Accident, Suicide or Murder: Morgan Ingram

Accident, Suicide, or Murder Morgan Ingram
Morgan Ingram
(Photo by Morgan Ingram)
As many are already aware, on Saturday, Oxygen aired Accident, Suicide or Murder a show which acknowledges, recognizes and examines cases thoroughly that have been either unsolved or deserve answers. The season finale featured the stalking and death of Morgan Ingram. 

The show starts out with drone footage of the picturesque Carbondale, Colorado before a dialog took place between retired detective Paul Holes and true crime producer and journalist Kelly McLear regarding her case. Wanting answers, the dynamic duo decided to dig deep into the case to find out if it was an accident, a suicide or a murder. I watched the show with an open mind, disregarding my own point of view, in case I was wrong to believe this was a homicide. 

I watched the show. I believe the show was spun to fit a narrative that the vast majority of status quo want to hear. Most of these shows are aired for entertainment purposes, hence why people watch them to begin with. However, a lot of facts have been left out as Oxygen producers can only fit so much into a 90-minute time frame.  

To be honest, I was very disappointed not by their conclusion of her death, but by how they depicted Morgan Ingram and her stalking altogether. I was also modestly miffed by how they portrayed Toni and Steve Ingram. With that said, questions that were not answered on Accident, Suicide or Murder that I would have liked to have been addressed include:

Question #1: Morgan Ingram had an obscene level of Amitriptyline in her blood. Over 6 times the lethal limit. So, if 500 ng to 1,000 ng of Amitriptyline in the blood is lethal, how did Morgan Ingram get 7,909 ng in her blood stream? 

Question #2: Morgan Ingram had 7,909 ng of Amitriptyline in her blood stream which I addressed previously. She also had a level of 2,833 ng of Noratripyline in her blood stream, as well. In her gastric fluids (or stomach) Morgan had 2,287,440 ng of Amitriptyline with a Noratriptyline level of 9,431 ng. Look at how close the numbers are of Amitriptyline to Noratriptyline in the blood. This leads me to the important question--why is the ratio so close in the blood versus the level in her stomach or gastric fluids?

Note: The amount in her stomach was high, but I don't believe that is what killed her. I believe it was the level in her blood that did. When looking at the gastric fluid level, the ratio is very far apart in comparison to the blood level. Why is the blood level of Amtriptyline to Noratriptyline so close in comparison to the gastric fluid level? 

Question #3: The beanie hat has a sufficient level of DNA on it. The forensic investigators did not even flinch nor entertain the idea of testing this item, as they were distracted by the polygraph test results of both Toni and Steve Ingram. The polygraph results of Mr. and Mrs. Ingram overshadowed this. That hat should have been tested regardless of the lie detector results. Why wasn't it?

Question #4: Why was Keenan Vanginkel never interviewed? He was the perpetrator, the stalker and yet is painted as innocent, but was not asked to take any lie detector test even though he offered to take one in 2011 and 2012. Have the investigators forgotten about his extensive criminal record including his history with criminal trespassing? Or do they think because he's alive, he is off limits? Vanginkel also has a history of drugs and mental illness, which the Ingrams' have revealed in the past. 

Question #5: Keenan Vanginkel was seen on the cameras walking up the Ingrams' driveway only later to deny it was him when interrogated by detective (now coroner) Robert Glassmire. Why is this fact being overlooked? It is because Morgan Ingram is dead and Keenan Vanginkel is living? Currently, there are no laws protecting the deceased. 

Note: Towards the end of the interrogation video, Vanginkel is seen frantically looking at his phone. Why was this footage never featured in the program? As Vanginkel is protected under the constitution of the United States (innocent until proven guilty) he looked modestly guilty when Robert Glassmire left the room in 2011. 

Question #6: In the autopsy photos, it looks like Morgan had blood on her lip and her face had been smashed. There were also marks around her neck, as if she were strangled. Another disturbing observation I made was how her arms were risen and hands were clenched. Almost in fists. Evidently this proves she didn't take her own life, but the question I have is--how can they reach the accidental conclusion knowing this fact? 
Morgan Ingram with her mother
Toni Ingram
(Photo by Morgan Ingram)

Additionally I have some concerns regarding the episode. These concerns include:

Morgan Ingram was not a suicidal person. She was artistic with more drive than NASCAR. Her character was not flawless and far from pristine, but was not how she was portrayed in this series. She was not suicidal. She was not running nor escaping from life. I noticed some victim blaming throughout the series which I despise. As I stated previously, there are no laws that protect the deceased. 

Both Toni and Steve Ingram took a polygraph test regarding the stalking and murder of Morgan. Granted it is not a good thing to fail, but I believe as both of them are in their 60's, going through a lot of tension and stress, unable to properly grieve. Also based on heresy the polygraph administrator had issues with the system and simultaneously asked the Ingrams questions completely unrelated to Morgan's case to test to see if their lie detector system was working. Truth be told, I believe this is why they failed some of the questions given to them. I don't believe they are deceptive or have bad intentions like some of you think. I don't believe they are liars. I've spoken with both personally for hours and have heard both of them grieve and I have heard them cry. They are not investigators which they have admitted relentlessly throughout the years. They just want answers and have every right to question what happened to their daughter. After all, they knew Morgan more than anyone in this world and she was being stalked, whether you want to believe it or not. 

When they interviewed Danny Rodden, I had to admit I was a little shocked. Rodden is not the same guy from 2011 as he ended up getting back into drugs (relapsing) several years ago and starting a relationship with a young teenage girl. Because of this he is now a registered sex offender in the state of Colorado. A person under the influence of substances is not a credible witness by any means and their opinion should be taken with a grain of salt. As troublesome as this is, I don't know why his testimony was used unless it was for entertainment purposes to elevate the shock factor, allowing you--the audience to reach your own conclusions about Morgan's death. 

The silhouette of the woman who claims to have been friends with Morgan, who allegedly saw her the night of the death or night before of her death is friends with Brooke Harris and is friendly with the suspect, Keenan Vanginkel. According to a Morgan Ingram Facebook page ran by friends of Morgan Ingram, called RIP Morgan Ingram, the woman identified as "Kara" allegedly also changed the story to fit a narrative that was proved to be not true hence why only excerpts of her testimony aired on the show. Kara is allegedly friends with Morgan Ingram's stalker Keenan Vanginkel. 

Stalking is a serious crime that was not taken seriously in this case. They played recordings of Steve Ingram mentioning Morgan may possibly be contemplating suicide. Everyone has their down days, but that doesn't mean they took their own life. Morgan Ingram said on Facebook in her final days of being alive on earth that she loved life. In fact, it was her final post before she was murdered. Anyone who is suicidal or even in distress would never say this. 

Update 5/22/19: There is more to the tape that aired on Accident, Suicide or Murder. This tape was recorded before the Ingrams' independently investigated the death of their daughter. The recording featured on the show leaves out vital details, including parts where both Toni and Steve Ingram questioned if it were a suicide and overdose. When questioned, the Ingrams' evidently looked at all scenarios diving deep into the suicide and the accident possibility. The entire tape reveals this fact. Toni and Steve Ingram are not investigators and would have accepted suicide, had Morgan actually took her own life, but eventually after looking at her case fully, they knew their daughter and knew her death was not a suicide and/or accident and foul play was definitely the main narrative to examine.

Update 5/22/19: Camera footage was released to Paul Holes and Kelly McLear of the day Morgan Ingram was found dead. The unidentified concoction in the cup that was in Morgan Ingram's bathroom was, in fact, Morgan Ingram's Pure Tasty Face Mask. Evidently, it wasn't tested as Paul Holes suggested. She used the butter knife to stir it, as it is filled with cinnamon, nutmeg and honey. 

Update 08/27/20: As the writer and co-producer for the Even Salt Looks Like Sugar podcast, I was able to connect the podcast with Toni Ingram for an exclusive interview. Toni discusses the Accident, Suicide, or Murder episode regarding the stalking and death of her daughter Morgan Ingram and even explains why she failed the lie detector test presented. You can listen read more about the podcast episode here


I felt like the series was put together greatly with three points of view and possibilities; however, a lot of what they showed on television is not the whole story. This is just common sense, as every show has to edit hours upon hours of footage to fit a 90-minute (sometimes much smaller) time frame. Kelly McClear is a class-act who has done a lot of great work in the realm of true crime, as Paul Holes is fantastic retired law enforcement official who is now a true crime personality. Kelly offered a lot of insight and I felt like she was determined to find out who stalked and murdered Morgan. I think deep down she knows this is/was a homicide. 

Truth be told, however; I felt like Paul Holes was distracted by someone into pushing the accident narrative simply because the DNA was never tested and the vast part of the show emphasized on the Ingrams' alleged exaggeration and that Toni Ingram failed the lie detector test. I do not believe Holes was given the facts and only did multi-dimensional research on the case using moot information provided by uneducated, narcissistic armchair sleuths. There was no reason to push the polygraph narrative so much, knowing that there were issues with the system itself unless the goal was to make Toni Ingram look like a liar, which she is not. With that said, I think Holes has been great with many cases, but I have noticed quite a few of them he was not. 

With that said, my opinion has not changed. I still believe Morgan Ingram was victim of foul play. I believe she murdered and this was in fact, a homicide. Until you can answer my questions, I don't have to listen to any of the banal ad hominem or strange internet theories ad nauseam to support inaccurate narratives being pushed in efforts to make Morgan's stalker look like a Boy Scout. No one gets 7,909 ng of Amitriptyline in their blood stream when 1,000 ng is the highest dose ever reported and less than that is lethal. These are just some of many discrepancies that were overlooked and lead to many more unanswered questions. 

I have every right to my opinion and I want answers. Don't be fooled into believing Morgan Ingram was a junkie looking to escape her life. I support Toni and Steve Ingram. For more information visit Morgan Ingram today. 


Anonymous said…
I have researched this case extensively. I believe this was a homicide. There is more proof this was a homicide than suicide but not enough evidence to prove it was a homicide. Accident is the latter. I hope justice is served.
Anonymous said…
Excellent article regarding Morgan Ingram. Probably the best one I’ve discovered online.
Carol said…
I think Morgan Ingram was murdered and I believe Keenan Vanginkel killed her. I wouldn’t be surprised if the show lied about the polygraph results for a shock factor narrative. Anytime anything is on television it’s edited and changed. Especially when it fits an entertainment agenda and only so much can fit in a 90-minute time frame. I saw the Ingram’s post Keenan’s global activity report. He’s been in trouble several times for criminal trespassing. He’s not innocent at all and anyone who thinks he is—is more than likely a criminal themselves. Just my opinion.
Anonymous said…
She was murdered. I don’t believe her death was accidental and definitely not a suicide. The amount in her blood points to homicide.
Deb said…
I just watched her story on "Murder, Suicide or Accident" and I truly believe the investigators on that show got it WRONG. First off, genuinely suicidal people are often happier than normal because they have a plan. But more importantly Amitriptyline is never to be taken with cyclobenzaprine. She was at the party complaining of a horrible headache. Guess what causes that? High doses of amitriptyline. Finally, her doggie being put away tells me someone didnt want to tangle with the dog while they killed her. Maybe someone or the stalker fed her the drugs at the party and they were merely hoping to date rape her and they gave her too much of the date rape drugs. Also, why would the investigators on that TV SHOW say "she probably killed herself because she got another migraine after not having them for so long." We migraine sufferers dont kill ourselves over 1 sudden migraine after months without them. We would go to bed and sleep it off as she tried to do. So much of that TV SHOW'S conclusions were just total incorrect speculation.
I'm a lawyer in STL. Keep pushing for the truth. Her killer or would-be date raper got away with murder.
Huge Hannah said…
You are a Muslim and crazy. She committed suicide. Get over yourself.
Sarah said…
Carol: The woman who produced the show had a different narrative from the beginning hence why they went with the angle that they did. I believe Kelly McLear is a class act and still believes Morgan was murdered, but I don't believe she could say too much on the show. And if she did, I'm almost certain they would not have aired it.

Deb: It was clearly a homicide because the Ingrams didn't have Cyclobenzaprine in the house. No one can explain the amount in her blood and why the ratio of Amttriptyline to Noratriptyline is so close except for Dr. Michael Dobersen who explained this yet was ignored. Additionally she had blood on her lip and clearly looked like she was assaulted when looking at autopsy photos. Plus, you can tell by how her body was positioned including how her arms and hands were raised she was murdered.

Huge Hannah: I am definitely not Muslim and only crazy to those who are incoherent like yourself. Are you that unhinged woman from Kirkland, Washington who keeps posting disgusting shit on my blog? Fetch a life piece of shit.

A lot of people are asking why Steve was caught on tape saying it was a suicide. When Morgan was first murdered, they questioned both Toni and Steve directly. Both Toni and Steve questioned them regarding the suicide theory, entertaining it as a possibility. Toni and Steve are not investigators. They clearly wanted answers and looked at all possibilities when she was originally found dead.

There is more to the tape which didn't air on the show. Shortly after, you can hear both of them questioning homicide. They knew their daughter more than anyone hence why they knew it was a homicide and began to engage that theory shortly after.
I hope they make the interrogation video public. The Ingram’s need to expose Keenan Vanginkel and be more aggressive with their approach. #JusticeforMorgan
Sarah said…
RIP Morgan Ingram: Nina, the Ingrams have shared a lot of evidence to support their claims. There is more proof this was a homicide than an accidental death and far more proof this was a homicide than a suicide. The only thing they can do is continue to fight for their daughter the best way they see fit. They have a lot of evidence and proof.
Anonymous said…
They have made up evidence and NO proof. And you obviously know nothing about rigor mortis you dim bulb.
Veronica said…
MURDER for sure! Keenan also looks guilty. Saw him on Dark Net and he looked like a liar. Also that Mayra also looked like a liar. Just my 2 cents..
Tricia Griffith is a psychopath said…
Anyone going to crimecon this year? It’s being held from June 7 (this Friday) until June 10 (Monday) at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside in New Orleans. I’m flying there tomorrow. I hope to meet up with some ya’ll. Sarah, are you going?
Anonymous said…
Paul Holes will be at crimecon this year. I will be asking about Morgan Ingram and why the beanie hat was never tested for DNA evidence. I will also ask why he was ruled out as a suspect when he’s had multiple criminal trespassing charges against him excluding Morgan ingram. Do you want me to ask him anything while I’m there in case you aren’t going? Since you are dipping into true crime I think you should attend. This is my second year going. Last year it was good.
Beth said…
Question: Who is Jamie Mangeris and what is her connection to Keenan Vanginkel and his mother Jenn Johnson? I saw RIP Morgan Ingram on Facebook mention this woman. Just curious.
Sarah said…
If I would have known Crimecon was Friday about a week ago, I would have booked a flight and hotel. Unfortunately I have other obligations at the present and will be flying to India soon. Please ask all of the questions I have in my article. Thank you.
Sarah said…
I don’t know who she is, but according to RIP Morgan Ingram on Facebook she is someone who knows both of them personally. I think her daughter dated Keenan. You would have to ask them.
Anonymous said…
I think she was murdered. Law enforcement did a terrible investigation with this one I strongly feel. Quite possibly the best article on the internet regarding Morgan Ingram. Extremely informative and it’s refreshing to see someone not attack the victim or her mother. The other articles I’ve read were so unconvincing and remind me of write ups created by friends of the suspect. Lots of horrible grammar mistakes also in some of them. Impeccable article.
Neha said…
J said…
I think Keenan Vanginkel not just murdered Morgan Ingram, but raped and tortured her before he did it. No doubt he was already in the house when she got home. Love what you are doing for Morgan! Keep up the excellent work gorgeous!
Anonymous said…
Stop! You have got to stop and so does this family. There is ZERO physical evidence that this girl was murdered or that this boy did it! You are ruining people's lives without actually knowing anything and that's not okay! It is terribly sad that this family lost their daughter but you cannot ruin other people's lives because you can't accept that she accidentally overdosed or took her own life.
Sarah said…
Mayra: There is a lot of evidence that Morgan Ingram was murdered. This was clearly a homicide which you continue to ignore. You fail to explain the close ratio of Amitriptyline to Noratriptyline in Morgan Ingram's blood stream, among the other questions and concerns I have addressed in my article. Until you can refute what I have to say without posting outmoded ad hominem, I have every right to an opinion regarding the Morgan Ingram case. Therefore, I will continue to support the homicide theory.

As for ruining lives, I have not ruined anyone's life and neither has Toni Ingram. I am just a woman on the internet with questions, who believes Morgan was murdered and the case should be reopened. You, on the other hand, have tried to ruin quite a few lives including mine for supporting Toni Ingram and the homicide theory. You don't have the right to tell someone what to think and how to think, especially when you have spread horrible, untrue lies about not only me, but the actual victim herself-Morgan Ingram.

There are many people who think the same as I do. Many of which are incognito as they fear you will attack them.

But guess what? I'm not scared of you.

In fact, your outlandish cyberbullying and internet stalking tactics will not work on me. You are a self loathing, sad woman with ego-driven angst who is obsessed those who don't give into your petty intimidation tactics. Truth be told, I pity you more than anything that you are so obsessed with Morgan Ingram that you will go to such arm's length to make others believe she was this depressed, suicidal junkie when in reality she was the opposite.
Anonymous said…
Morgan Ingram is the victim not her stalker.
Anonymous said…
9:59 am - what about what you have said about Morgan Ingram? No criminal record, no history of drugs and no evidence of suicide. Is it because she’s dead?
Anonymous said…
I believe she was stalked. I heard stories about him actually following her at night. He was also an internet stalker and tried adding Morgan on FB. Question, does anyone know if Brooke Harris was using the Bubbles alias or was it Jenn Johnson, Morgan’s stalker’s mom?
Anonymous said…
Both Morgan and you are victims of toxic Toni Ingram.
Anonymous said…
Morgan killed herself and you've killed your reputation following Toni's deluded scenario.
Ginger said…
I don’t believe this poor girl took her own life or overdosed. Who on earth has such high levels of Amitriptyline in their blood and stomach? Not to mention cyclobenzaprine. Her stalker has a history of drugs (multiple arrests) and criminal trespassing. I saw Toni Ingram post the global activity report. There is no way he’s innocent. This reminds me in the 70s when Ted Bundy went on his killing spree and how he had a group of weird women defending him proclaiming his innocence. I don’t believe this Keenan guy is innocent. You could tell he was lying on dark net. He has his hands in this and definitely involved.
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know if RIP Morgan Ingram's newest post is about Jamie Mangeris? I think this was a homicide and law enforcement failed this family.
Anonymous said…
I read the entire blog Toni Ingram posted from the beginning. How come this many years later her use of amitryptiline is attributed to having Irritable Bowel Syndrome? That was NEVER mentioned before. In fact, Toni Ingram stated more than once that the amitryptiline was for side effects from the carbon monoxide poisoning. Also never mentioned before were strangulation marks on Morgan's neck. Toni Ingram keeps changing her story over and over again and tries to add more "evidence" of murder when in fact there is no evidence of murder.
Biddy27 said…
No matter how much they say it was suicide how can they explain the bruises on her body is she supposed to have beaten herself up as well?
Biddy27 said…
If it was supposed to be suicide how do they explain bruises on her body? Is she believed to have beaten herself as well?
Diane said…
Certain things don’t add up. The work hours prove Morgan Ingram’s stalker was working on December 1st and 2nd. The same group of women trying to make people believe he’s innocent are trying to say he wasn’t in Colorado when she was murdered. RIP Morgan Ingram posted proof he was working those nights.

Then they added testimony from the stalker’s ex gf’s mother who said he told her he worked a double shift. The reports reveal this as fact. You can also see an official statement from Kroger where they admit he was working.

That’s where I realized something isn’t right.

Her phone being across the room. The psychic revealed after she tried to scream she tried to make a call and her stalker took her phone and threw it. She tried to hit the panic button and her stalker ripped it off. The entire scenario makes sense.

I have investigated this and I believe it was a homicide.

My question I have is—Who is the guy with n*** in the last name that helped Keenan clean up the crime scene? RIP Morgan Ingram on Facebook posted a psychic testimony the other day saying this guy helped him clean up the scene of the crime. I’m just curious.
Anonymous said…
Why hasn’t Toni Ingram taken this to the Supreme Court? If the Ingram’s expect to get justice they need to stop doing television shows that are making a mockery out of them and they need to take this to a higher level in the courts. Most people are starting to question. I think she was murdered but doing television which push a different narrative aren’t good.
Someone Who Knows said…
I have personally looked at the autopsy photos and they do not look like a suicide or even accidental. She looked like she was assaulted. I definitely do not think she overdosed or took her own life.
Anonymous said…
Definitely not suicide. The way her arms were positioned. I don't know of anyone who has taken their own life that held their arms that way or clenched their hands that way. That points to murder. The problem is the Ingrams have been made this too public. They should have taken this to a higher court instead of doing television shows.
Anonymous said…
A seizure with decorticate posturing (arms and legs drawn up and toward the body's "core")followed by immediate death and not being found for hours afterwards until rigor mortis had set in explains her arm position. Steve said her jaw "was locked". That's rigor. I'm sorry for the Ingrams. Morgan remains a tragedy and gone much too soon for such a beautiful vibrant being. Most artists are extremely sensitive and fragile, subject to demons. Morgan's got the better of hers this one irretrievable night. Fly free, pretty girl.
Anonymous said…
"Everything is black" Toni was quoted Morgan as saying. People who have never experienced that blackness will never understand that blackness. People who have never had suicide ideation will never understand suicide ideation.
Anonymous said…
I think she was murdered.
I Hate Bill Cosby said…
Toni Ingram tweeted this to me:

“They had an agenda that we did not know about until a week before it aired. They left out all the evidence they had about murder.”

I think the show did this on purpose.
Anonymous said…
Sarah, you are smart and beautiful. Would you look at this case again with fresh eyes? The Ingrams deserve our sympathy but they do not deserve to be supported on their witch hunt. The evidence is overwhelming that the beautiful shining star that was Morgan was suffering with pain and fear and exhaustion from both along with things we will never know. She wanted it to end. She ended it. Toni and Steve, as wonderful as they may be and may have been, have been devastated and unbalanced by the loss of their beloved daughter. You haven't. Open your pretty eyes please.
Allconjecture said…
I watched the show for the 1st time today while home sick. I take into account television dramatics, human hysteria and the blunders of the legal system in measuring believability as its put forth to us viewers in a TV show with minimal fact. I am usually quite accurate in my conclusions. --- Morgan did not commit suicide 100%. The parents of Morgan did not lie on the Polygraph and shame on the network for including that bit in. That is considered abuse and shame on them. It is a known fact that Polygraphs are not acceptable in a court of law “For A Legal Reason”. It’s a known fact Polygraphs are Not Accurate. It is a known fact that Parents who have lost a child do feel completely responsible for the loss of that child as if they allowed it. How dare they ask them those questions?
The average public knows that law enforcement agencies are only as good as the individuals at the time and how they are instructed to handle it. This cases as presented was grossly mishandled as they had excellent forensics at the time, as today. It’s common that police departments do not have the funds to order all of the necessary forensics tests that are needed in investigations. Money was the issue and they found a less expensive option and took it. A hidden little fact from the public. They have fixed amounts they can spend on investigations before having to go to the Mayor or city council. They would have needed a team of qualified investigators for months to uncover what exactly happened the last night of her life. People do not give up secrets overnight.
If you wanted to get rid of someone so as to divert attention away from yourself, an obvious suspect, what would be the best way to accomplish it?
Amitriptyline is a broad based anti-depressant and not classified as a pain medication. It has many off label uses however it is extremely common to be prescribed as a sleeping medication like Benadryl so many people have it in their household. It does give off a numbing effect in the mouth and bitter to taste however I imagine it would go down nicely in a zesty salsa with chips or a lovely healthy smoothie and even candy without tasting it.
The way she lived her life as well as the sequence of events in her life should have triggered a vigorous in depth investigation no matter how the officials “felt”. Money should not have been an obstacle. I too lost a son that was larger than life and know the pain of losing a child. It’s a pain known only to us who have lost a child. Until Morgan’s parent can get black and white proof in front of them they will never give up and they shouldn’t. It was easy to know Morgan did not commit suicide though the TV program tried hard to send you there.
Anonymous said…
You should start a podcast. I would subscribe. I think her death was accidental but now after reading this I think it’s a murder.
Anonymous said…
It is doubtful that these same people who make excuses for Toni and Steve would defend Keenan if he had failed the same portions of the polygraph test that Steve and Toni failed. I think that they would be touting the same results as THE proof he really did it. See how that works?
Anonymous said…
I think she was murdered. How does someone have you 7,909 ng of Amitriptyline in their blood with such a close ratio to noratriptyline? She had millions in her stomach but the ratio is far apart to noratriptyline there. Impossible for it to be in both places and her to consume it. It can’t be accidental or suicidal. She was injected I think with it.
Anonymous said…
I think she was murdered by her stalker. Idk, I don’t believe she committed suicide.
Anonymous said…
um, there's NO testimony, witness statement, Vet statement or PROOF OF ANY KIND that the stable behind the Ingram's even HAD injectable amitriptyline. It's something Toni speculated on to fit her scenario. I raised horses for more than twenty years and did a LOT of my own vetting but never had that drug. Before that I boarded at three different boarding stables. NONE of them had injectable amitriptyline on hand. It isn't a part of horse keeping to routinely keep that drug available.
Clairvoyant said…
He (Keenan) definitely did it. He killed Morgan. There is evidence still in the house or the Ingram’s former house. I don’t think he will ever get in trouble but he’s getting sloppier. He’s killed since and will continue. If Keenan’s mother is reading this I ask that you watch over him and don’t let him do this again.
Anonymous said…
I have always believed she was stalked and murdered. I heard from two people that Morgan’s stalker Keenan was bragging while drunk at a party and then made comments about how Toni Ingram is crazy and no one believes her. One of my friends heard Keenan years ago. I never knew Morgan so I don’t know much but Keenan has a history of crime and drugs.
Anonymous said…
The Ingrams wanted a real investigation by a real investigator and that's exactly what they got with the unimpeachable Paul Holes. To suggest that he based his findings on what would provide the most entertainment is just plain insulting to the man and his excellent reputation. His investigation was certainly more trustworthy than anyone's "feelings". The real investigation revealed the real truth. The Ingrams cannot accept that they are wrong. They said from the beginning they would never accept any outcome but one that agreed with their grief stricken hypothesis. Unfortunately, poor Morgan had more problems than they are willing to admit because that means they chose to look the other way rather than get their sweet girl the help she so desperately needed.
Amber said…
Anything on television is entertainment. To say otherwise is just lying. There is no reason for anyone to meddle into this case at all with it being shown on camera for the entire world to see. Investigations should happen silently, behind closed doors. The investigation was so botched by Lou Vallario (who has a track record of botching investigations) there is no way of really knowing the truth. Truth be told, whether this was accidental, a murder or a homicide--no one will ever know the truth.
Anonymous said…
the gullible are strong here
Anonymous said…
I've followed Toni's blog from the very beginning. Trying to determine what exactly happened, I've read it from the start at least three times and some individual posts more than that. Over time Toni has CHANGED many aspects of her rendition more than once including ADDING to a letter supposedly from a dance class friend of Morgan's that addressed Toni and Steve directly but finished by talking about them in the third person. Additionally, Toni never ever mentioned that Morgan had irritable bowel syndrome yet it was their own "excellent doctor" who said she'd been diagnosed and treated for just that. IBS isn't cured, it's controlled in best case scenarios. Toni hasn't added to the facts she's actually CHANGED them. You have to ask yourself why.
Anonymous said…
I have followed Toni's blog from the beginning. All I see is a concerned mother trying to find out what happened to her daughter. I don't see any inconsistencies. Maybe Toni remembered things later and added them in. I believe she's telling the truth and the case deserves to be opened. To say these parents are lying when they are questioning everything. Morgan Ingram did reach out to deputy J and identified Keenan as the man stalking her. I support Toni and I think the case should be reopened.
Anonymous said…
Sarah, I know that you continue to support the Ingrams. While I think that you're all mistaken about what really happened to Morgan that terrible fateful night I must commend you for having the bravery, open mindedness and sense of fairness to present completely opposing opinions. And I thank you.
Anonymous said…
That so many people in law enforcement would be in on a "cover up" about Morgan Ingram without one breaking their silence smacks seriously of the O.J Simpson conspiracy theory. It didn't happen. No way. Toni is a compelling writer who has suffered a horrible loss. People obviously sympathize and empathize with her and Steve's pain. It is heartbreaking. But it wasn't murder and will NEVER be found to be so. Mark my words.
Anonymous said…
I think this was a homicide. The way her arms were positioned. A suicide and accidental (OD) doesn’t do that. Like never. Rigor Mortis doesn’t make someone clench their fists and rise their arms like that. That’s definitely foul play.
Bethany said…
What is the reason why Morgan Ingram’s case is closed? Is there any reason why it isn’t getting reopened?
Anonymous said…
No one but no one can fault your compassion, Sarah. The facts of homicide simply aren't there. It may have been Morgan's wish - and what 20 year old even thinks to tell their parents they want to be cremated - to be all burned up but if Toni and Steve really really thought "from the beginning" that Morgan was murdered I can't see then agreeing to a cremation not matter what kind of pressure they say that they received. Funeral Homes do only what you pay them to do. Should Life loving Morgan have chosen to be an organ donor - and that just sounds like that sweet spirit - why wouldn't the Ingrams pass on that type of Love and giving in her honor? The Ingrams have been mentally undone by Morgan's choice but shouldn't they acknowledge that it was her choice? No murder. No real suicide. Just a sad sad tragic mistake by a beautiful girl who was suffering unspeakably.
Anonymous said…
If Toni Ingram had more proof and evidence she would be believed more. The problem is she doesn’t have much and she fell for the sheriff and coroner’s “must get her cremated, what should you do?” Had she not had her cremated she could have had a court order to have a rape kit administered. I think it’s possible Keenan killed her but there needs to be more evidence to say it’s a murder at this point. The Ingram’s need to take this to a higher court level.
Debra West said…
I thought she committed suicide until I heard Joe Valo’s psychic channel. I literally cried. I hope justice is served for what happened to Morgan. The Ingram’s deserve the case to be reopened.
Anonymous said…
There seem to be a lot of posters here who know absolutely nothing about criminal and legal process besides what they see on the television and in movies. There is not a shred of physical proof of murder here. Not a shred. Not even a body to reexamine. So the story is whatever Toni and Steve choose it to be with no way to prove or disprove a crime.
Anonymous said…
Who is Joe Valo?
I Hate Rabia Chaudry said…
You are a stupid low IQ moron who should just kill herself. Keenan Vanginkel is innocent. You and Toni Ingram have no proof. Keenan is being framed the same way Ted Bundy was being framed. Bundy was completely innocent and received the death penalty for what the satanic government did. You and Toni are both stalkers and you need to off yourselves and die. Morgan made several people kill them selves. She killer herself out of guilt. You know nothing you dumb low IQ fool and your a terrorist muzzy.
Anonymous said…
Paul Holes cracked the Golden State serial killer case, cracked it! Do you really really think he got this one wrong? He was extremely gentle with Toni and Steve but he wasn't fooled by them. And you shouldn't be either. The Ingrams got their investigation by a top notch investigator. Anybody who believes their narrative over a seasoned criminologist's is not using even common sense, just misplaced emotion. Morgan will get her justice when Toni stops using her death for attention. Which isn't gonna be anytime soon.
Anonymous said…
Paul Holes says accidental. I think her death was a suicide. I need more evidence to prove this was a homicide. Please provide more evidence.
Anonymous said…
I think Morgan Ingram was murdered by her stalker. I don’t believe her death was a suicide or even accidental. Too many red flags and way too many people trying to prove his innocence. There is no way Ted Bundy was ever innocent either. He confessed to the crimes and blamed his actions on porn. There are documented interviews. Morgan’s stalker Keenan reminds me of Ted in many ways. Same MO. Hopefully the Ingram’s get the case reopened because they deserve an investigation.
Anonymous said…
Paul Holes came across as uninterested in investigating the case. If he really had an interest they would have tested the beanie hat and the DNA on it. With such a botched investigation, the Ingram’s deserve to know what happened.
Anonymous said…
The Ingrams have always known the truth, they just can't accept it. That's why they created a boogie man who came and went without being seen, who stole their daughter away from them. They know the truth and it isn't murder.
Anonymous said…
I don’t think Brooks Harris was involved. I think Keenan acted alone. In the interrogation video it appears he tries to shift blame onto Brooke. What you haven’t seen (most of you) is when the officer left the room, he started freaking out like he did it. The full interrogation video is disturbing and serves as evidence of his guilt when analyzed by experts.
Anonymous said…
What is the difference between accidental and suicidal?
Anonymous said…
Toni Ingram has deceived many people, including you. You tried to provide a platform for a grieving mother but all you did was open the door for a history rewriting gifted storytelling liar. Morgan didn't want or deserve her mother's intense meddling in her life. She tried to get away and stay away from her house, not her stalker, as much as possible. She wasn't afraid, despite having a "stalker", of driving all over town at all hours to see her friends or to stay with someone else. She didn't want to stay home. Ask yourself why. It wasn't because of her stalker. It wasn't because of her beloved Daddy. It was, and always has been, because of Toni.
Anonymous said…
Who runs this page? I read it and cried. I hope Morgan’s stalker goes to jail.
Travis Daniels said…
Boogie man? Making a joke out of a stalking, rape, and murder?! Pretending it didn’t happen doesn’t mean it did not happen. The Ingram’s have a lot of proof and most people believe them.
Ninja said…
The show’s producers manipulated the polygraph results. I’m psychic and I can tell you he did this. He even left syringes and empty bottles of the liquid amitriptyline in corners of the ceiling in Morgan’s room. Just right under the roof. His eyes are like that because of the drugs. I also see Keenan killing several girls after. He’s getting sloppy and tired though.
Anonymous said…
RIP Morgan Ingram (I am guessing this is Toni) shared this post a few minutes ago on Facebook. I have always thought he was guilty. She had no history of anything and he’s been trouble for many things. I hope the Ingram’s get the case reinvestigated and hopefully they can test the beanie hat.

Unknown said…
I believe Morgan was murdered by her stalker. Yes my daughter dated him for a very short time because I asked her to get away from him. I also went to high school with Jenn Johnson. We don't know each other well but she's always been jealous of me and my family. I will ask an avid supporter of rip Morgan Ingram fb page and will continue to advocate for #Justice4Morgan
M.R. said…
I have followed the story about Morgan since 2012. I fully support Toni and Steve Ingram in the quest for justice for Morgan. I believe with all my soul that Morgan was murdered, and her killer still walks free today.
However, I also believe that her killer WILL see justice;if not here and now, then in His time. The Lord is not slack concerning His promises, and all that has been done in darkness, and of evil, WILL be brought to light. And so it is written, the Lord will repay those who work evil; vengeance is not ours, but His.
God bless the Ingram family. God bless all who are working to expose the evil deeds of those who live, and work, in darkness. The light of the Living God will prevail over ALL darkness.
Ryan said…
Jesus Christ—how many fake accounts does Mayra Martinez (MayraMM) have? She’s so unhinged and crazy.
Anonymous said…
Paul Sholes is definitely wrong here. When the truth comes out, he will be apologizing for it also. Just saw on the Morgan Stalking site Morgan’s stalker was in trouble for criminal trespassing. Anyone know anything about those charges? Looks like he has a history of stalking other girls.
Anonymous said…
Her arms and how they were positioned prove she didn’t take her own life and didn’t accidentally just die. I can’t believe people actually think it’s a suicide. No one who takes their own life holds their arms up like that and clenches their fists. Not even accidental. Definitely a Murder and anyone who says otherwise is stupid.
Anonymous said…
Morgan wasn't holding her arms up at all. She was, according to TONI, found on her side with her knees and arms drawn up. Because of RIGOR MORTIS when she was turned over on her back her arms appeared to be raised. There are a lot of uninformed and just plain stupid people who believe everything Toni Ingram writes. I feel sorry for all of you being fooled by Toxic Toni the Tale Teller. Most of all I feel sorry for Morgan. Toni bitched at her as soon as she got home that nigh before she could even get in the house. Morgan had ENOUGH! Toni was always up her butt. That is the truth. That is why Morgan gave up. It NEVER ended.
Anonymous said…
Holy guacamole are the majority of the commenters here fifteen years old? Both parents, on video, told the police that Morgan had talked about suicide just before her death. The lack of knowledge about rigor mortis and criminal investigation can only be due to gullibility, youth and pure ignorance. How about Toni removing every reference to suicide that Morgan made from Morgan's posted photo bucket? This girl was beautiful, creative, sweet, funny, loving and very very troubled by both emotional and physical problems. Her death is and will always be a huge tragedy. Not a murder, a tragedy. Wise up, children.
DN said…
I know Keenan Vanginkel personally. I think he did it. I think he killed her.
Deputy Frank said…
All of my years in law enforcement—I HAVE NEVER SEEN A WOMAN WHO DIED FROM NATURAL CAUSES, PORPHYRIA, SUICIDE, OR ACCIDENTAL holding their arms and clenching their fists the way Morgan Ingram did in those autopsy photos. To me, that screams foul play. They should have examined that properly.
Anonymous said…
I don't believe she committed suicide. I think she was murdered. I think Toni Ingram is telling the truth honestly.
Anonymous said…
LOL, Toni Ingram punked Morgan, She punked Steve and she's punked all of her believers including you, Sarah.
Ryan said…
Wade Vanginkel—no one believes you fool. You know well your son stalked and murdered my sister. You evil low life scumbags.
Anonymous said…
I think it was accidental. The pathologist on the show even said it was.
Anonymous said…
Why don't you have an interview with Morgan's wonderful father Steve and Steve alone? Could you? This suffering father epitomizes self blame when none is necessary. Steve adored Morgan. She likewise adored him. She was a "daddy's girl". He tried almost everything he could and constantly modified his strategies and plans to outwit the "stalker/s", identify them and keep his beloved Morgan safe. It isn't fair in the least that this very good man has been made to feel that he failed as a father, a husband and a man. He never did. This wasn't his fault. It could've been an unfortunate mistake. It could've been an emotional runaway train. It was never up to Steve not doing enough to keep Morgan physically safe. He needs to know that. Could you talk to him and tell him please.
Anonymous said…
Definitely not suicide or accidental. She had 7,909 ng of Amitriptyline in her blood. 500-1,000 ng is a lethal dose with 1,000 being the highest I have ever heard. Morgan had over 6,000 ng over the lethal amount in her system. No one who takes their own life would have that much in their blood. I am a licensed pathologist and I can tell you right now based on this fact this was foul play.
Anonymous said…
To the Anonymous person above saying Morgan lifting her arms up is rigor mortis, no it is not. Never have I ever seen anyone hold their arms up while clenching their hands to make a fist. That is not something that happens with an overdose or a suicide.
Anonymous said…
Opinions are not facts. Fact is there is absolutely no evidence of anyone else being in Morgan's room that night except for Morgan.
Anonymous said…
Come on, Sarah, you said that you wanted to know how there could be a discrepancy between the amounts of amitriptyline in Morgan's blood stream and in her gastric contents. If she had been crushing and sniffing it earlier with her "new" nefarious boyfriend and then swallowed some later in an effort to relieve her pain and help her sleep, that would easily explain the differences in Morgan's lab values. It would also explain why she might have over dosed accidentally. The answer you said you wanted but I doubt you'll post, right?
Psychic J said…
Morgan Ingram was murdered and it was Keenan Vanginkel who took her life. He was severely obsessed with her. Everything Toni Ingram has said is true.
Anonymous said…
How much would it cost to have the beanie hat tested? and if it is tested, could getting a DNA sample from Keenan open the investigation? There has to be away to reopen this. why close a case when it is clear something isn't right. the ingrams should definitely try to take this to a higher court.
Anonymous said…
To the anonymous above saying Toni and Steve Ingram failed a polygraph test. Ask Hillary Clinton what she thinks of polygraph tests.
Anonymous said…
Did Dr. Michael Dobersen ever explain the Amtriptyline levels in Morgan Ingram's blood stream? Something about Keenan just doesn't add up. His story changed. He said he wasn't in Colorado the night of her murder and then said he was working at City Market to another authority. I think his father Wade was also lying for him too. I am confused as to why this strange individual could be in two places at the same time. From what I read, Morgan never did any drugs, never drank, and had no history of any criminal activity or behavior. I'm guessing those that believe she took her life are victim blaming?
Anonymous said…
Wow! You finally revealed the possibility that Morgan did indeed abuse some of her drugs with her new boyfriend, a guy her other friends did not like or trust. A guy who couldn't be reached immediately after her death.
Anonymous said…
I was wrong about you, Sarah. You are braver and more fair than I gave you credit for. I apologize.
Adriana said…
oh wow, this was pretty interesting to read. The mystery will forever remain
Note Me Happy said…
It isn't a show ~I've seen, but it's interesting to read. Also going through the different opinions in the comments is an eye opener. I guess we'll never know.
Laura said…
I hate cases when it's not found out for sure. If it's murder that someone is out there and can do it again
Chad said…
I haven't seen this one yet!!! I can't wait to check it out. I avoided reading the comments because I didn't want any spoilers....
Owen G said…
I haven't seen the show. Missed it, unfortunately, but it's certainly an interesting case. As the other comments allude to - quite divisive in the school of public opinion.
Kathy Balmores said…
I really dislike it when shows make you think they will answer a question but they don't. It's really disappointing when they do that. I hope you get the answers you are looking for soon.
Kevin Akidi said…
I did not see the show but I do wish they would be more extensive in their research and delivery so that they answer all the questions. And portray as much truth as possible not just what will get more views.
aisasami said…
I like to read up on true crime stories. But, like you said, sometimes there isn't the full story. Thanks for shedding a light on this case and hopefully the parents can find a comfortable explanation to their daughter's death.
Rachel said…
Umm apparently I need to watch this show!
Brenda said…
The justice system failed Morgan Ingram. I don't believe for one minute she would have the drug in her system in both her stomach and blood at such high levels. Someone who ODs would not even have this. Someone forced pills in her and injected her. I hope the Ingrams get the answers they deserve. Nice try making it porphyria because you don't know. That pathologist should retire before he messes up on someone else.
Kiwi said…
I hate reading stories like this. This doesnt look good might not be a suicide this looks homicidal.
Anonymous said…
I knew Morgan for years. She called me via Skype about two days before this happened. She scheduled us to hang out on Friday. The same day she was found. We had plans to make homemade candy. She told me Keenan Vanginkel was stalking her. I asked her if she wanted me to come sooner and she said she wasn’t worried because she had filed a report with the local police and had plans to be interviewed that same week. I remember talking to her and hearing rocks being thrown at the windows. I heard a man laugh and it sounded just like Keenan. She showed me nasty emails from a bubbles alias that were sent to her. She told me they were from Brooke Harris. I have met Brooke and although she and Morgan didn’t get along I believe Keenan acted alone. Morgan wore pajama pants to the store. She never wore regular pants at night. I’ve known her for 6 years prior to her death. I don’t believe Morgan took her own life. She wants running from life and had no reason. We had plans to meet that week and she hated pills. Definitely a murder staged as a suicide. She wasn’t the type. I’ve had friends take their lives and they displayed signs. Morgan just wasn’t the type and she told me she was being stalked.
Deb said…
Phenomenal article and refute against this episode. They tried to make Toni appear unstable. Was gross. Definitely not an accidental death and definitely not a suicide. When the truth comes out (and it will) I wonder if those people who said Morgan took her own life and attacked those who believed it was a homicide will apologize or will they think of committing suicide themselves. This is getting so intense.
Anonymous said…
Best article I’ve found yet regarding the death of Morgan Ingram.
Anonymous said…
Excellent breakdown. I was just telling my husband. Keenan Vanginkel has the record and modis operandi of a serial killer. I can tell he’s lying. Especially in the interrogation video. Plus he has a history of crime, drugs, and mental illness.
Anonymous said…
@5 am on 1/20/20 - Dr. Robert Kurtzman is practicing in Montana and has botched many cases since Morgan. The list is huge. I expect to hear about him on a future Dr. Death episode. He botched one recently so bad that the family is all over social media destroying him. Hopefully when the truth comes out and he’s exposed, it could help reopen this case. The Ingram’s deserve answers.
Anonymous said…
Excellent post and breakdown of this episode. I was just telling my co-worker I think she (Morgan) was murdered.
Tonya said…
I don’t think Paul Holes is too happy right now. He’s met his match. Holes though is a professional and too busy to be focused on rebuttals. I can see him being reasonable. The armchair sleuths not so much. The best article online regarding this episode. Please write more.
Anonymous said…
Excellent rebuttal towards the episode. I heard the Even Salt Looks Like Sugar podcast and it appears Toni Ingram defended herself against this show for making it appear she lied. I believe Keenan Vanginkel is guilty. I know him IRL and he’s not innocent at all. He has a criminal record and he’s been heard at parties attacking law enforcement and bragging about what he’s done.
Mary said…
Websleuths Tricia has tons of health problems and is constantly begging for money online along with hood hag Mayra Martinez. They want you to shut up. They want you to stop supporting Toni Ingram. They want to portray you as all things repulsive so no one will believe you. But I believe you. Many of us do. Keep standing up for what is right Sarah and keep shining bright.
Anonymous said…
Excellent article regarding the stalking and murder of Morgan Ingram.
Anonymous said…
This episode of Accident, Suicide or Murder featuring the Morgan Ingram case was certainly eye-opening. While Sarah may have had a point about the producers' focus on the Ingrams failing the lie detector test, further testing for DNA should have been done to provide more conclusive results. It's clear that something is amiss with this lie detector as Toni mentioned in the podcast episode Even Salt Looks Like Sugar: Morgan Ingram. The whole thing seems set up to shock viewers into thinking that Toni is a liar when she isn't—it's obvious that Morgan was murdered.
Anonymous said…
It is beyond doubt that Morgan Ingram was stalked, likely assaulted, and murdered by a man with an unhealthy obsession. The extremely close ratio between the huge amount of Amitriptyline in her blood stream alone is evidence of foul play. This is too stark to ignore. Sarah Afshar's determination to help Toni find answers makes her an extraordinary investigator and worthy of trust. In short, Toni deserves closure on what happened to her daughter Morgan - whatever it may be.

Personally, I used to think that this was an accidental death, but now I firmly believe that it was a case of homicide. It seems as though the sheriff and detectives never truly looked into the incident properly due to their lack of understanding regarding stalking and its implications. Unfortuntely, incidents such as these occur far more often in small towns like Carbondale than many people realize. This is why it is so important for us to take stalking seriously and investigate any suspicious circumstances thoroughly in order to ensure justice is served.

I strongly believe that if Keenan had been given access to the appropriate mental health resources, this tragedy could have easily been averted. The interrogation video alone serves as a stark reminder of his instability and distress. Unfortunately, due to systemic neglect regarding mental health services in our society, Keenan was unable to find the help he desperately needed.

My heart goes out to Toni Ingram and her family during this difficult time. It is my sincere hope that justice will be served for Morgan in some form, as she has the right to know what happened and deserves closure regardless of when it comes. No one should ever have to go through such a tragedy without any answers or recourse.
Rosa said…
I have immense sympathy for Keenan James Vanginkel. While I don't dispute that he stalked and took Morgan Ingram's life, my heart aches for the fact that Keenan was never given access to the mental health care he desperately needed. If he had received help, perhaps Morgan Ingram would still be alive today. It is a tragedy that such an opportunity wasn't offered to him; one which could have saved a precious life.
Anonymous said…
I've known Morgan Ingram for many years, and Toni Ingram was right about her - she is the definition of vanilla. She's never been one to indulge in excesses like drinking or drugs; instead, her time was usually spent capturing beautiful moments with a camera or discussing music and literature. She was one of my best friends and I will miss her for the rest of my life.
Anonymous said…
This is by far the best take on the Morgan Ingram case. I just wish that some of the evidence had been released for public viewing - including the interrogation video. Unfortunately, releasing the autopsy photos would be too sensitive, but it's still quite clear to many people that Toni Ingram and Sarah Afshar have a valid point in supporting the homicide theory here. It's obvious that Morgan was a victim of foul play, and Keenan has done his utmost to conceal his own involvement in this tragedy. His hands are not as clean as he would like them to be, no matter how many denials he spews.