Hello everyone. How are you? Just recently, the Even Salt Looks Like Sugar podcast decided to debut its final episode for the first season. For the first season finale—Episode 10: The Death of Morgan Ingram.
Imagine waking up to news that your daughter is dead. Toni Ingram received this news almost a decade ago when she discovered her daughter lifeless in their Carbondale, Colorado home. And although the case is closed, with so many questions left unanswered and a plethora of speculation—what happened to her?
Join Even Salt Looks Like Sugar as your host Billy Housh speaks personally with Toni Ingram in an exclusive interview about Morgan, the events that lead up to her death, and what she believes happened. I also share some insight regarding this case. As many of you are already aware, this case is near and dear to my heart as I truly believe Morgan Ingram was a victim of foul play and deserves justice. I don't believe she took her own life. With the high levels of Amitriptyline in Morgan's blood stream, there is no doubt this was anything, but accidental. She was stalked and she was ignored my the authorities who promised to protect her. It was truly an honor to co-produce this episode, as well as, the episodes before this one and the episodes yet to come.
You can listen to the podcast on the official website now. You can also listen on Apple podcasts, Amazon, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Spreaker, and wherever you find your favorite podcasts.
Stay tuned for season two. Not only will we share new episodes, we will continue to explore all things true crime, paranormal activity, and unsolved mysteries. And even dip into those cases others are afraid to. Also stay tuned for other projects I am going to be working on. I will be sharing those with you very soon.
Good, great, and amazing things are happening. Thank you for listening. Remember to catch up with us next season for brand new episodes. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Remember, not everything in life is what it seems because Even Salt Looks Like Sugar. Listen if you dare.
Sarah I love you and I love your blog. I know you mean well but as much as I want to feel bad (and I do) for Toni Ingram she needs to do more if she wants justice because based on what she’s sharing there is still more she needs to do. Hiring an attorney is important and if she doesn’t have money to do so (which I suspect) she needs to raise the money on a livestream for the morgansstalking facebook. With an attorney she can get a writ and warrant. I really want her to get justice but the more she puts it off I am worried about the future of justice for Morgan. It’s 2020. Morgan has been dead since 2011. Almost 10 years. There shouldn’t be anymore excuses. Toni and Steve need to get an attorney and go after Keenan Vanginkel.
I definitely do not believe Websleuths Wack Job Tricia. I saw her walk into Crimecon in 2018 wearing dirty clothes and carrying a trash bag into a 5-star resort. I said hi to her and she completely ignored me. She has a track record of creating problems online and was recently exposed for impersonating a former attorney who is now deceased.
I definitely do not believe Michael Odegard. Comes across as a very obvious paranoid schizophrenic who is angry at the world. Blames innocent people for his failures and because he’s a homeless bum with analysis paralysis.
I definitely do not believe terror Terry Stipp or Terry Cavitalo. I think one quick search will tell you why.
I definitely do not believe Mike “Misogynistic” Boudet. A grifter with an overproduced podcast who blames others for stuff he does. The international woman’s day meme was disgusting. His Adrian Jones episode is completely plagiarized word for word.
I definitely do not believe Keenan “Killer” Vanginkel or anyone who supports him including Jenn Johnson and Heather Brown. His “in my opinion, I didn’t do anything.” During the interrogation video was what truly nailed the coffin shut.
Morgan Ingram identified the man stalking her as Keenan James Vanginkel.
Keenan James Vanginkel has a history of drug abuse, mental illness, and has a large criminal history.
Keenan James Vanginkel denied ever being at the Ingram’s house or in their driveway, when it’s clear it is him on the camera.
Keenan James Vanginkel said when interrogated by police and I quote “In my opinion, I didn’t do anything.” An innocent person doesn’t say this.
P.S. Morgan committed suicide. Toni Ingram is crazy. Sarah Afshar is crazy. Keenan Vanginkel is innocent. Ted Bundy is normal.
-Morgan identified the man stalking her. Even documented the details. She even told other people.
-What happened to Morgan Ingram’s pajama pants?
-What happened to the red panic button?
-Why was foundation and pipes cracked?
-Why did Morgan use a “K” and a “N” (Keenan?) when doing sign language?
-Why was the equine Amitriptyline and ketamine discovered missing at the ranch nearby? The owner reported it stolen like a week before Morgan was found dead.
-Why were a few pills missing from an expired prescription for Amitriptyline? Yet the amount in Morgan’s system exceeds the amount she consumed?
-Why was Morgan’s phone found on the bathroom floor?
-Why did the pathologist Kurtzman change the cause and manner of death so many times?
-Why the stalker deny being near the Ingram’s house but it was clearly him in the footage published online?
-Why were parts of the Ingram house cracked?
-What shoes did the footprints belong to? The photos were posted online. Did they ever check?
-Why didn’t the stalker or suspected stalker take a polygraph test?
Other questions:
-The sheriff in that town and the one working on this case was recused for unethical behavior. Why wasn’t the CBI able to investigate?
-Why did the sheriff lie and saying a stalking never happened when there is proof Morgan identified him? Her signature was also signed and dated after the reports. Some of the reports give details.
-Why did the DA tell Toni before she was DA she believed her but once she was DA and her office was next to the sheriff’s sue had a change of opinion?
-Why does Morgan’s stalker or the suspected stalker have several criminal trespassing offenses on his record? What are they for and why does no one care?
-Why wasn’t the hat and flannel ever tested for DNA? If it were, would the suspected stalker ever give his up to prove those items didn’t belong to him?
-Morgan said she received a message, a text from 970-319-5562 saying something about how she looked in the morning. Morgan didn’t know the number. Who does it belong to? Did they ever find out?
-Why was the suspected stalker seen walking out of the store while on the clock?
-Why is the detective that was on this case now a coroner?
-Other than the suspect’s mother, why is it the same armchair investigators defending him? I don’t see too many people saying he’s innocent. Only a few and it’s the same few women. The one with the tattoos and that crime admin woman.
-Why did the pathologist on Morgan’s case move to Montana and why is he no longer able to work in Colorado?
-Why is the suspect trying to blame Brooke Harris and some guy named Wiley for Morgan’s death?
I’m happy you and Toni never went on his show. The disgruntled armchair sleuths Tricia and Mayra were horrible. The scorned internet stalker Michael Odegard was by far the worst. He was evidentially lying about you and using the platform for his 15-minute of fame. I noticed someone here mentioned social service abuse. Speaking of which, I followed his (Odegard’s) blog after the podcast and I saw him brag about getting thousands of dollars of free money from the government. This made me laugh and realize those episodes were scams. After listening to the podcast he did with Mike Boudet and it’s clear he has a thing for little kids. I tried listening to the Websleuths podcast and it was terrible. I don’t like Tricia’s voice, as she sounds washed up and old or how she delivers stories. She acts like an expert when she’s merely an armchair investigator with a true crime forum. I also notice her grifting and peddling when I decided to join her forum. Her constant begging for money made me unjoin shortly after. These people are garbage and it’s sad they stoop this low.
Honestly, I love this podcast, Even Salt Looks Like Sugar and this episode about Morgan because it’s filled with so many details and you don’t have to spend money to listen to it. I don’t like ads but when one is expected to pay to hear a majority of it, that’s when I personally draw the line. I love the fact you are a republican and Billy is more of a natural liberal and you both leave politics out of your podcast. I can’t wait to hear more. I wish you would put out more episodes. This is my favorite episode and I’m very happy Mrs. Ingram had the opportunity to share her side of the story.
Everything Tricia Griffith of Websleuths said, everything Mayra Martinez (MayraMM) said, everything Terry Cavitalo (Windchime), everything Michael Odegard (Mode), everything Priest (Tina and David Adler), and everything Mike Boudet of Sword and Scale are complete lies and fabrication. The administrator of Websleuths, Tricia has a history of deception, including lies and abuse. One quick look into her, I found myself reading that she was sued in 2013-2014 for taking a lot of money from an individual named Susan Pruitt. She plead the 5th. The case has been documented online and you can read details on various law-related websites.
Sarah has never been a web cam model. She is not a scammer. She’s never asked me for money in the years I’ve known her. She was never ‘pimped’ out or trafficked by her mother. She’s not getting paid by Toni Ingram. I’ve known Sarah for over half of my life. She’s only had very few boyfriends in her life and has a small circle, group of close friends. I can’t believe the lengths these people go.
Most of these are lies created by Michael Odegard, an internet stalker and psychopathic peddler from Portland, Oregon. I don’t want to diagnose someone via internet but it’s clear Michael Odegard is schizophrenic, as most with this type of illness like to spread perversion to get people to believe their fake stories. Most people with such psychological issues will perpetuate scams that they are victims and paraphrase the context to make it believable to those vulnerable people who easily pity them. It’s clear he is scorned, angry, and strongly in denial about his issues. It’s also clear he created this charade for compensation purposes. Possibly entertainment purposes, as I can’t be the only one thinking he was looking for his 15 minutes of fame. This Odegard spoke to Sarah’s mother in the MSN movie chat, never to Sarah at all and they talked about movies.
Based on reading this internet stalker’s series of blogs including that awful ‘Sarah Afshar Bimbo’ blog, I believe these armchair investigators (primarily Tricia and Mayra) promised him compensation for appearing on the Sword and Scale podcast. Mayra Martinez (MayraMM) is also quite unhinged but does a much better job hiding it than Odegard. I believe Mayra, Tricia, and Terry are the type to impersonate Sarah to make contact with both Mike Boudet and Michael Odegard. I remember when they also harassed Joseph Valo. I’ve met Joe about 8-9 years ago and he’s a great guy. I think the major motive for lying about Sarah is because she interviewed Morgan Ingram’s mother, Toni Ingram and has been an adamant and vocal supporter of Mrs. Ingram and this cause. I believe Mayra harassed Sarah online because in the beginning she was paranoid and thought Sarah was actually Toni. I think she started to become obsessed with Sarah because of Sarah’s stance on this case and the fact she’s never encountered someone as intellectually gifted. I suspect she discovered Michael Odegard’s hate blogs by voluntarily searching them and befriended him based on their shared obsession with Sarah.
He is undisputedly irrelevant to the Morgan Ingram case. I’m 100% most people agree with me here. Whether normal or crazy, most people would agree with me. His lies are nothing more than rants of a scorned stalker. Not relevant. I don’t like belittling people but this individual has no right to lie about innocent people. If you have an axe to grind with someone, you shouldn’t be on the internet.
I enjoyed this episode because it was nice to hear Toni Ingram speak out and raise questions regarding her daughter Morgan Ingram’s death. I’m glad she was able to share important discrepancies regarding her case. I believe this investigation was botched. It probably started with laziness and then money after. If I’m being honest, I think the sheriff involved and the forensic pathologist are at fault. Almost as much as the suspect himself. Hopefully the case will be looked at but it would depend on the people/parties involved and physical evidence connecting the stalker to the crime. Hopefully a resolve will happen and those unanswered questions are finally answered.
By the way Sarah, I’m so sorry to hear about your mother. I’m always here if you want to talk.
Morgan Ingram had 7,909 ng of Amitriptyline in her blood stream. 900-1,000 ng of Amitriptyline in the blood is death.
Morgan Ingram’s level is the highest reported. Her Amitriptyline to Noratriptyline levels are close in ratio which means she was injected with the drug after the amount found in her gastric. Those levels are not as close in ratio of Amitriptyline to Noratriptyline.
This is a homicide.
Morgan Ingram deserves justice for what has happened to her and this is what Toni and I care about. This is what we have tried to prove. Despite the propaganda being pushed about Morgan, depicting her as a suicidal junkie escaping from her life, there is no proof nor evidence that supports the suicidal theory as universal or even a remote possibility. Accidental is more believable to most; however, this theory is moot, as only a few pills were missing from an expired prescription.
Do I believe this is a homicide? Yes, I do. Do I believe everyone who says otherwise has the right to their opinion? Absolutely. But, I also look at the facts, examine the details, and thoroughly read the information. There is a reason why I believe Morgan Ingram was in fact a victim of foul play and I have addressed this numerous times; however, the biggest thing for me was the toxicology results (7,909 ng of Amitriptyline in her blood stream, with 600-1,000 ng lethal) and the autopsy photos (her nose looked like it was smashed and she had blood on her lip.)
Every minute someone in this country is sexually assaulted. One in every six women in the United States alone has been a victim of sexual assault. As much as I don't want to address it, I am one of those women. I lived through it and was able to identify the man who did it. Morgan is not alive today to do the same. She may never get justice in this lifetime, but God works in mysterious ways and karma and dharma are very much real and alive.
- We would discovered all of her expensive jewelry was missing – gone.
- We would discover the PJ’s she was wearing when Steve said good night to her were also missing – gone.
- We would discover her panic button had been torn from its secure mounting spot on her nightstand, and was hidden on the floor under some clothes.
- We would discover she died not from natural causes, with an insignificant amount of amitriptyline as the forensic pathologist Dr. Kurtzman had told us, but from a massive dose of amitriptyline. An amount that she could not have possibly ingested herself because a person her size would have died from only on tenth that amount.
- We would discover that there were other drugs not shown on the first tox screen in her stomach, 5 total. The amitriptyline on the first tox was a lethal concentration – the rest were not in amounts that would have been lethal, but every one of them were listed on the lab’s Sexual Assault Panel. So at the time of Morgan’s murder she had an active felony stalking case being investigated by the Garfield County sheriffs and the only things found in her body were all date rape drugs found on the Sexual Assault panel at the lab…and yet we were being told she wasn’t a homicide.
- We would discover she had wounds consistent with defensive wounds on her body, and the coroner and pathologist would refuse to release the photographs for study by others.
- We would discover that many, many aspects of her room were consistent with a struggle having taken place.
- We would discover the hour that she most likely died, and why that was so important for an investigation.
- We would discover that the container needed to hold the date rape cocktail has never been recovered, in her room, or elsewhere.
- We would discover her body was dressed in a third set of clothing, not what she wore home that night, and not the PJ’s she wore when she went to sleep.
- We would discover that a journal of hers was missing from her room, gone. And it was not the journal listed in evidence.
- We would discover her upper chest was covered in a fine spray of bodily fluids, consistent with Morgan attempting to spit or sneeze out a date rape cocktail she had been forced to ingest, or the remnants of a sexual assault, as these “spots” showed up under the UV light and were bodily fluids .
- We discovered Morgan had a red spot on her right temple (consistent with a thumb restraining her head while a hand was over her mouth), and something red (blood?), as was on her swollen lip.
- We would discover the knife Morgan asked her dad to buy for her protection the night before, was lying in her bed right next to her body, in the original box it had been purchased in.
- We would discover that even though it was a “mystery” and a majority of stalking victims in these circumstances would be raped, and when found her pants were unzipped & unbuttoned, there was no rape kit administered at her autopsy. That the only way to know if she had been raped as a part of her ordeal is forever lost.
- We would discover that the steel gutter directly over her window was torn into two pieces, consistent with her stalker lying on the roof and leaning over to see inside her room through her upper window, and it would never be officially photographed or otherwise examined forensically.
- We would discover that the observant neighbor who reported her light being off and on at strange times indicating suspicious behavior was never interviewed as a part of the investigation.
- We discovered no potential evidence from the death scene, save the clothes she was wearing, were ever collected.
And then we learned from a long time local investigator that years earlier the pathologist that did Morgan’s autopsy had once examined a body pulled from the Roaring Fork River and declared the person died from an accidental drowning…later on the body was exhumed and a bullet was documented to have been lodged in the skull – how could he have missed that?
There was an old bottle of Amitriptyline in Morgan’s cabinet in her bathroom. It was from 2008-2009. Only a few pills were missing from it. Not enough to kill her. But because that was the main drug in her system, the cops saw it and assumed the death was either accidental or a suicide. What about the Cyclobenzaprine or the Flexeril? None of those drugs were found.
Are we to believe this young woman took her life? I look at facts not nasty armchair sleuths who spread lies and like blaming victims for their own deaths. You aren’t a hero, you are a zero. This Keenan Vanginkel is not a saint.
To 10:02 PM - I don't think I've ever noticed the comment. It's possible it is one of those people; however, I don't really care because I have ever right to share what the public already is aware of. The information about Jack Showalter is public on various Idaho Facebook groups. This is where I first heard about him. This was shortly after the food truck Twitch stream was made public, showing the victims getting a late night bite. Then, the information about Jackson Showalter was made public on reddit after the Facebook groups published about him. I know one of the victims personally, as I met her through my former neighbor who is related to her. She also worked for a company that a friend of mine works at in Boise. My former neighbor is one of my good friends and she's very upset over the incident. I have friends who live in Moscow and they have shared some sinister stuff that is happening there, including events that happened way before the recent homicides. It's a college town, but relatively small and still a big community. I never accused Showalter of killing these girls, so it's possible it is one of those four people using a fake account spreading this false narrative. I didn't know anyone tweeted me and I would never d0x anyone. These are just more lies these armchair sleuths create to devalue anyone who thinks differently from them.
Thank you to everyone commenting and reading the blog. I'll blog in the near future. I still talk to Toni Ingram. She's doing well. She is never giving up on Morgan Ingram and justice.