The Spider Killer Saeed Hanaei

Hello. How are you? Just recently, Even Salt Looks Like Sugar published their ninth episode online. If you are a fan of true crime, paranormal activity, or unsolved mysteries you are destined to love this podcast. When I wrote this episode, I just had a feeling I was going to uncover a lot more than what a typical search would reveal. Guess what? I was right. This case is ultimately thrilling and spine-chilling and I am not being hypothetical when I say this. 

In case you are unaware, Saeed Hanaei is one of the worst serial killers humanity has ever endured. Not only are his crimes extremely gruesome, but what makes this Iranian serial killer one of the most sinister, diabolical characters in the world we live in is the fact that he was very proud of his crimes. Not only did he show no remorse in court, regarding his victims, but the spider killer told the judge that if he could, he would have continued the job. He insisted he wasn’t a killer, but merely an “anti-street woman activist” and was sent from God to do the job. He used Islam as a way to continue his rampage to such high levels, many Muslims actually supported him. In fact, one attorney offered to represent him for free simply because he agreed with what he did. 

Hanaei was so addicted to killing these innocent women that he also said he couldn't sleep at night unless he killed someone. It became a pattern of addiction he couldn’t fight let alone ignore. Perhaps his dark passenger was reacting to an energy that he couldn’t relate to or he was so narcissistic he felt like he had the right to end a woman's life, there is truly no real answer to why Hanaei killed them. In addition to this—his wife, mother, as well as, son all supported him and his actions. But the real question remains—what motivated him to go on such a killing spree? How was he so easily provoked? If I were to tell you that his wife was mistakenly identified as a prostitute by a local taxi driver and this influenced him to kill these innocent women, would you believe me? This was exactly the case. 

It is definitely a crime I rarely see discussed online and there is a reason for it. Billy's baba Firooz, who lived in Iran for over 30 years before he moved to Canada in 1978 also joins us tonight as he shared his thoughts on this horrible serial killer. 

To listen to Episode 9: The Spider Killer Saeed Hanaei you can visit the official website Even Salt Looks Like Sugar. You can also download the episode from Apple podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google Podcasts, and wherever you find your favorite podcasts. 

Join us for episode 10 as we explore the death of Morgan Ingram. Not only will I share my thoughts on the case, Toni Ingram had the opportunity to speak with Billy for a raw and uncut, exclusive interview where she reveals much more than what she has already. 

The tenth episode will also be our season finale, as both Billy and I are both extremely busy in life. But we will definitely be introducing a brand new season plus many more episodes to come in the near future so please stay tuned for that. In addition to this, we will have many more surprises coming too. 

In the meantime, a big shout out to those of you who are subscribed to us. Thank you so much and thank you for listening. I hope you are having an amazing day. Oh and one more thing—remember not everything in life is what it seems because even salt looks like sugar. Listen if you dare.


Neda said…
This is an incredible podcast. He is a monster!
Kasra said…
He’s frightening. Can you imagine if a woman were walking in Mashhad and wasn’t even involved with any street activities and this guy found her? He was crazy. Especially since it took one remark from a taxi driver to set him off. I can’t even imagine. I wonder how many women were not prostituting or doing drugs.
Hooman said…
I can’t believe his wife still supported him after he admitted to sleeping with some of his victims. That’s shocking honestly.
Babak said…
I just heard this podcast on Apple. This was the best one I’ve heard regarding this case. Well done!
Baba said…
Mehzebeen said…
Iran is the most oppressed country in the world. This is proof.
Aladdin said…
I can’t even begin to imagine how many men are like this living there. It’s really disgusting honestly. Extreme Muslims are destroying the world with their hate. This will never stop until Islam is banned.
Hamed said…
I can’t believe he had no remorse for what he’s done. It’s not surprising to me that used Islam as away to get away with the crimes. Iran is totally ran on Islam. The extremists make Muslims look bad. They are making the religion look evil.
Anonymous said…
The best podcast covering the spider killer.
Baba said…
I can’t believe how proud he is of doing that and how proud his son is of his father. This is pure evil. The best podcast episode ever regarding Saeed Hanaei.
Erfan said…
Anonymous said…
I really like how they went into depth
Anonymous said…
Saeed is what is wrong with Iran. Saeed is what is wrong with Islam. No offense Sarah. I know you are Iranian and are a great person but this man is evil and many people in Iran celebrate him because they are wrapped around the same mindset and way of thinking.
Anonymous said…
I can’t believe how proud and happy he was for his crime. Who does he think he is? Dexter? Dexter went after criminals. Not women who tried to make ends meet. This man was very angry and a real crime to humanity. Good riddance spider killer!
Anonymous said…
I like when Billy said “Salam baba. How are you?” I don’t know why but that was one of my favorite things about this podcast episode. It’s great to hear a first generational Persian’s take on this case.
Anonymous said…
They made a movie about this guy. It came out this year. It’s in Farsi but you can watch it with English subtitles for anyone who doesn’t know Farsi and Persian.
Anonymous said…
Saeed Hanaei was an unspeakably cruel and depraved individual who inflicted untold suffering upon innocent victims. His extreme religious faith, combined with his profound psychological instability, made him a dangerous predator who had no regard for the lives or families of those he victimised. He committed horrific acts of murder and rape against his defenceless targets, proving himself to be an evil beyond measure. Although death might appear to some as an easy way out for this monster, it does not come close to offering justice in compensation for the pain and anguish he caused others.
Milad said…
Did you see they made a movie about Saeed Hanaei?
Anonymous said…
Saeed Hanaei is a radical Muslim who used his religious beliefs to justify the taking of innocent lives and propagate hatred. His violent and depraved acts are an affront to humanity, and it is essential that we take a stand against such extremism by bringing justice to those responsible for these abhorrent acts. We cannot tolerate anyone who promotes or condones this type of criminal behavior, and must ensure that perpetrators like Saeed Hanaei are swiftly punished accordingly.