The Deluxe Pink Sapphire features a dozen pink roses complemented by asters, baby's breath and a half a dozen of pink Peruvian lilies. This was a gift from my amazing boyfriend Joe. |
When you browse various social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter, you will discover various "pros" and "cons" about this online flower power seller. As reluctant as one can be, I recently discovered that although the cons are evident, the strengths in this company certainly outweigh them.
I have had the pleasure of receiving multiple flowers from this company. Everything from three-dozen red roses ($79.95) to various pre-created settings such as the Deluxe Pink Sapphire ($59.98) which includes a dozen pink roses that are complemented by asters, baby's breath, and about a half a dozen of pink Peruvian lillies. This popular online flower retailer also features an October Birthstone Rose Bouquet ($49.99) which offers a dozen white roses complemented by five clusters of pink tourmaline picks, ruscus and leather leaves.
The latest I have received from ProFlowers includes about two-dozen pink and red tulips ($39.99) along with one-dozen multi-colored roses ($29.99). With proper maintenance the tulips really came to life shortly after the stems were trimmed. Needless to say, I was modestly happy with everything I have received thus far.
In fact, as of right now, I have absolutely nothing bad to say about ProFlowers. Everything I have received thus far has been fantastic. As far as customer service, I truly believe based on experience that the customer service here is quite excellent, as they are attentive and make an effort to resolve any issue you may have.
ProFlowers offers beautiful, fresh flowers from the field directly to your door. As convenient as they are, the verdict is - they are definitely one of the best places to find a last minute gift that not only anyone can love, but appreciate too.
The truth about ProFlowers is: their flowers are terrific. If you would ask me today, would I shop at ProFlowers or recommend this internationally known flower business to a friend? Absolutely. For more information, visit ProFlowers today.