Happy 20th birthday World Wide Web

It is hard to believe the internet has existed for 20 years. I first discovered a computer when I was a child. It wasn't until 1996 where I discovered the internet as an unique platform. I remember the first time I typed, it took me forever as I would look at the keys. I think I typed 20 words per minute. Now, fast forward to 2009. I do a lot of work online (writing especially) where I type in the dark and flush out at least 100 words per minute with no errors.

At the time, the internet was an hourly rate. Provided by Yahoo!, MSN and AOL, you could have access to the internet. Those were the three main providers back then. Google was just a twinkle in the eye of technology and only dial up internet existed. There was no such thing as a modem let alone a router and cable and DSL connections were just ideas that had yet to exist.

Internet was also monitored heavily and many websites didn't exist. In fact, there was no such thing as social networking and because it (the world wide web) was an hourly rate, many didn't use it. I used it sporadically from 1996 until 1999. I used it also in the first year of college, but not so much as I didn't have a computer.

In early 2000 I bought my first computer. It was a Gateway. The monitor was super big yet thick. It was brand new and I also bought several accessories to go with it. In addition, I purchased a printer to go with it along with a laser scanner. Everything was incredibly expensive back then so I ended up spending thousands of dollars. As a broke college student, I charged everything.

That computer actually lasted until 2008 before I purchased my latest Toshiba which I bought several months ago.

Going back to the internet. HTTP and HTML were both heavily utilized for years before new programs began to take over. And speaking of new, the first time I heard about Google, I was in college. It was the main search engine back in the Fall of 2000. I remember asking the librarian at the time about Google where she informed it was a new browser the school was using. Needless to say, I was pleasantly intrigued and happy to see technology evolve.

And with that said, I am very happy to see technology evolve. To exist in an era where internet is growing rapidly. In the years of social networking. A whole new world that once ceased to exist, now exists. To be able to shop without actually leaving your house. To be able to talk to family and friends without leaving your bedroom. Convenient, efficient and effective. The internet truly is something.

Thank you for existing.

Happy 20th birthday world wide web!
