The Tragic Death of Junko Furuta

Junko Furuta
Some of the most gruesome acts of human nature occur when you least expect them. In the case of 16-year old Junko Furuta, distressing is an understatement. 
For an excruciating duration of 1,056 hours (that's over 63,000 minutes and 44 days), she endured a level of torture that surpasses imagination. The details I stumbled upon in the case file are too distressing to put into words, leaving me profoundly saddened and distraught.

To be honest, when I crafted this podcast, I was plagued by sleeplessness. The court documents on this case, translated for me by a friend of mine who lives in Japan, kept me tossing and turning. Unlike my usual speedy podcast writing process, this one demanded breaks for emotional recovery. It was a struggle to maintain composure, as anger and intense emotions welled up within me. Although I had no personal connection to her, I empathized deeply with her suffering. What truly ignited my fury was not only the torment she endured and the horrifying details her captors shared in court, but also the unsettling reality that they remain unpunished, living freely among us due to flaws in the archaic Japanese court system.

Out of all the true crime podcast episodes I've explored so far, this one is undoubtedly the most extreme. While I've come across more gruesome cases in my research, there's something about this particular episode that unsettles me more than the rest. If you're currently having a great day, I would advise against listening to this podcast, as it has the potential to alter your mood. Brace yourself. This episode is not for the faint of heart nor is it for those of you who are upset, as this will just make you feel a lot worse. Even Salt Looks Like Sugar--Episode 6: The Death of Junko Furuta

Junko had a life, a life tragically snuffed out by deranged individuals driven by their twisted desires. The sheer disregard with which they discarded her life is truly diabolical and evil. What makes it even more unjust is that these perpetrators continue to live their lives, now in their 50s, without facing appropriate consequences for their heinous actions. The level of unfairness is staggering. Indeed, one can only hope that in the next life, justice will finally be served for Junko Furuta. She undoubtedly deserves that, considering the unimaginable suffering she endured.

You can listen to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, AmazonGoogle Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, YouTubeSpreaker, Audible, and wherever you find your favorite podcasts. You can also listen on the official website--Even Salt Looks Like Sugar too. 

As the present is only an interface of the past and future, there is no way of knowing what will happen tomorrow. I hope only good, great, and amazing things happen, especially after writing this podcast.  Thank you for listening. 

Furuta Junko no seigi wa doko ni armasu ka? Rest in Peace Furuta Junko. May you find peace Ju Chan and those men who did this to you live with what they did and the consequences forever.  Gomennasai. Asu no koto o ieba, tenjo de nezumi ga warau. Shinin ni kuchi nashi. Oyasumi nasai. 


Anonymous said…
This is the best podcast I have heard yet covering the Junko Furuta case. I’m a huge fan of true crime and this probably the most gruesome case I have ever heard. I really enjoyed your segment. I love your voice. I hope you get into doing podcasting.
Anonymous said…
This made me both sad and angry at the same time. I cannot believe these men are free and not in prison for what they did to her. Japanese court system is awful. Much worse than the US.
Anonymous said…
This made my blood boil. I can’t believe they got away with what they did to her.
Kumiko Hayashi said…
The worst injustice ever in true crime. The fact they are free after they committed such an action is as sinister as sinister gets. I have no words. Just anger.
Tatsuo said…
I have followed this case for almost 10 years. This podcast is the best one I have discovered covering the case. A lot of people are afraid to talk about this. In Japan it is talked about but only if it’s brought up. The details are rarely ever discussed because the crime is by far one of the worst examples of corruption in Japan. Japan has changed their laws since incidents like this but the idea that these men are not even in prison just serves as an example that injustices happen everywhere. God with her soul and I hope the monsters who did this suffer for what they did.
Anonymous said…
Best podcast I’ve heard covering this case.
Anonymous said…
This podcast episode is incredible but the level of anger I have for the culprits makes me feel hate after listening. I just subscribed.
Anonymous said…
My heart hurts for Junko and her family. It makes me sick. This podcast episode brought tears to my eyes. Tears of anger.
Anonymous said…
My heart aches just knowing she went through this kind of torture. Amazing podcast. I just subscribed.
Anonymous said…
Junko Furuta never got true justice because of Japan’s old justice system but because of amazing podcasts like this her story is being told. This is a wonderful podcast episode and the best one I’ve heard yet about her.
Anonymous said…
This made me cry. What happened to Junko Furuta is beyond evil.
Anonymous said…
I felt like Billy was afraid to “go there” and it was hard for him. It was a wonderful podcast but that’s the impression I got. It would have been better if you told the story.
Anonymous said…
This made me cry. Very thrilling and spine chilling episode.
Anonymous said…
This is the darkest yet most moving episode yet. Brilliant. Definitely my favorite. I just subscribed to your podcast.
Lu Ling said…
This episode gave me goosebumps! Definitely one of the best I’ve heard if not the best. The research is incredible on this case. I’ve heard about 8 podcast episodes about Junko Furuta and none of them come close to this. Amazing!
Anonymous said…
This episode was really good. I never heard of this case before. Thank you so much for sharing this. I feel so bad for Junko’s family and friends. I can’t believe the men who did this aren’t in prison right now. A major injustice.
Akira said…
This death is not only tragic but what’s also tragic is the fact that the men who did this are all free and living their lives in Japan. People who have committed lesser crimes have done more time than the four men who did this to Junko. Probably the most disturbing true crime case I’ve ever heard. Great podcast covering it all.
Anonymous said…
Best podcast ever covering the Junko Furuta case. I can’t believe the men who committed the acts aren’t in prison.
Anonymous said…
This podcast really made me emotional. I felt sad one minute and the next minute I felt anger. It is perhaps the best one I’ve heard regarding this case. I feel so bad for Junko. It’s horrible what she endured. Her perpetrators should have received life in prison.
Anonymous said…
Junko never received justice for what these monsters did to her as all of them are free from prison and living their lives. This is an example of a horrible injustice. Excellent podcast episode. I’m praying for her soul and her family.
Michiko said…
This is my favorite podcast episode covering the Junko Furuta case.
Anonymous said…
Junko Furuta's horrific experience is a stark reminder of the worst aspects of humanity. That her perpetrators were never brought to justice—neither through life sentences or death sentences—is a testament to the serious shortcomings in Japan’s legal system. Justice was not served for Junko, yet it is encouraging that podcasts such as this one are allowing her story to be shared and remembered. This podcast episode does an excellent job presenting her case, and I believe it stands as one of the best episodes discussing Junko's plight that has ever been produced.
Anonymous said…
This is an absolutely incredible podcast episode about Junko Furuta. The amount of detail and insight in this episode is simply astounding - it's definitely one of the best pieces I've ever heard on this tragedy. Even those who are jealous or skeptical cannot deny how powerful and informative this podcast episode is; it truly brings to light the heartbreaking story of Junko Furuta in a way that no other media has been able to do before.
Anonymous said…
Your podcast episode about Junko Furuta is beyond impressive. I've heard many podcasts like Sword & Scale cover this case, but none have come close to Even Salt Looks Like Sugar's thorough and captivating coverage. The tragedy of Junko Furuta's suffering and her ultimate fate is one of the most heartbreaking injustices ever committed. Every time I hear her name, my heart aches for the life she was denied and robbed of.
Anonymous said…
I recently listened to this podcast episode for the first time about the tragic case of Junko Furuta. It's infuriating that she was subjected to such vicious torture for over a month, and even more so that her tormentors are still living freely among society. In light of this tragedy, I sincerely hope that Japan’s court system has been strengthened in order to ensure those who commit horrific acts truly face justice and receive appropriate punishment for their crimes.
Anonymous said…
Your podcast episode about Junko Furuta is simply astounding. It's comprehensive, captivating and packed with fascinating details about the case - truly one of a kind. I've heard all the other episodes online, but yours stands out heads and shoulders above the rest.