Some of the most gruesome acts of human nature occur when you least expect them. In the case of 16-year old Junko Furuta, distressing is an understatement. For an excruciating duration of 1,056 hours (that's over 63,000 minutes and 44 days), she endured a level of torture that surpasses imagination. The details I stumbled upon in the case file are too distressing to put into words, leaving me profoundly saddened and distraught.
To be honest, when I crafted this podcast, I was plagued by sleeplessness. The court documents on this case, translated for me by a friend of mine who lives in Japan, kept me tossing and turning. Unlike my usual speedy podcast writing process, this one demanded breaks for emotional recovery. It was a struggle to maintain composure, as anger and intense emotions welled up within me. Although I had no personal connection to her, I empathized deeply with her suffering. What truly ignited my fury was not only the torment she endured and the horrifying details her captors shared in court, but also the unsettling reality that they remain unpunished, living freely among us due to flaws in the archaic Japanese court system.
Out of all the true crime podcast episodes I've explored so far, this one is undoubtedly the most extreme. While I've come across more gruesome cases in my research, there's something about this particular episode that unsettles me more than the rest. If you're currently having a great day, I would advise against listening to this podcast, as it has the potential to alter your mood. Brace yourself. This episode is not for the faint of heart nor is it for those of you who are upset, as this will just make you feel a lot worse. Even Salt Looks Like Sugar--Episode 6: The Death of Junko Furuta.
Junko had a life, a life tragically snuffed out by deranged individuals driven by their twisted desires. The sheer disregard with which they discarded her life is truly diabolical and evil. What makes it even more unjust is that these perpetrators continue to live their lives, now in their 50s, without facing appropriate consequences for their heinous actions. The level of unfairness is staggering. Indeed, one can only hope that in the next life, justice will finally be served for Junko Furuta. She undoubtedly deserves that, considering the unimaginable suffering she endured.
You can listen to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, YouTube, Spreaker, Audible, and wherever you find your favorite podcasts. You can also listen on the official website--Even Salt Looks Like Sugar too.
As the present is only an interface of the past and future, there is no way of knowing what will happen tomorrow. I hope only good, great, and amazing things happen, especially after writing this podcast. Thank you for listening.
Furuta Junko no seigi wa doko ni armasu ka? Rest in Peace Furuta Junko. May you find peace Ju Chan and those men who did this to you live with what they did and the consequences forever. Gomennasai. Asu no koto o ieba, tenjo de nezumi ga warau. Shinin ni kuchi nashi. Oyasumi nasai.