Michael Jackson has officially died and the news is circulating faster than anything I have ever witnessed in my 28 years of living. Everywhere you go, this is all you hear. This is quite possibly one of the saddest days for many people, especially his fans. I am at the grocery store and there are people in tears, sobbing over the king of pop's passing.
The song "The Way You Make Me Feel" is playing and it is really sad to think that such a talented man who brought so much to music is gone. I keep thinking about his death and wondering if it really was drug related. I'm only receiving one-sided information, so I have no clue really what to think of it.
He had so many great songs. If I had to choose a favorite, I am not sure which one I would choose, as I like a lot of them. I know, I heard a song called "We've Had Enough" a few years ago, which was good. I really like the song "They Don't Really Care About Us" as I really like the song "Morphine" but as I stated previously, he's introduced a lot of great music to us.
To me, when I like of pop music as a genre, I think of Michael Jackson. I think he truly invented the genre. Today's music we hear on the radio wouldn't exist without Michael Jackson and his influence. Today is a very sad day in music, that is certain.
Gone, but never forgotten. You will leave a legacy which will remain forever. Rest in peace, King of Pop. Rest in Peace, Michael Jackson.