Cocktail Recipes: The Bearded Clam Sensation

If you are a fan of whiskey, amaretto liqueur, and cranberry juice, you are destined to love and appreciate the "Bearded Clam". The first time I ever made a "Bearded Clam" was a few years ago, when working in a club. The Bearded Clam is simply a drink that is made up of Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey, Amaretto Liqueur, and Cranberry Juice.

The drink has received significant praise and reviews in the modern mixed drink and cocktail persuasion by critics. It remains to be one of my personal favorite drinks, essentially because I appreciate the Amaretto Liqueur, as well as, Cranberry Juice. Although the traditional Bearded Clam is made up of Crown Royal Whiskey, Amaretto Liqueur, and Cranberry Juice, I decided to create my own original, yet unique rendition of the drink.


The Bearded Clam Sensation

1 oz. Whiskey (Crown Royal)
1 oz. Amaretto Liqueur
1 oz. Almond Cream Liqueur (Crème de Noyaux)
1 splash of Cranberry Juice
1 splash of Grenadine

Combine the Whiskey and Amaretto Liqueur together, followed by the Almond Cream Liqueur, Cranberry Juice, and Grenadine and serve on the rocks in a chilled, high (or highball) glass with a maraschino cherry. You can also serve the Bearded Clam Sensation in a chilled cocktail glass.
