Mayra Martinez (MayraMM) is a cyberbully

As many of you aware, I have been harassed online for years by a woman from Oregon named Mayra Martinez. This individual discovered me after I wrote a blog post about my interview with Toni Ingram, which I published initially to the Yahoo! Voices platform in late November of 2012. In efforts to silence me, she tried an array of intimidation tactics simply because I was going to publish the interview and she didn't want me to. 

She insisted that Morgan Ingram was not stalked and took her own life. She also speculated that Toni Ingram, the mother of Morgan Ingram, had Münchausen syndrome by Proxy and was unhinged. Unhinged, a term this loose cannon tends to use quite a lot. When I contacted Toni the same day, I asked her about this bizarre individual and if she knew her. I thought the pseudo diagnosis was a bit awkward and immediately thought she was friends with Morgan's stalker Keenan Vanginkel. She told me that this woman was an internet troll who was part of a group called Websleuths and not to engage. At the time, I did not know who she was so I published her comments before speaking with Toni. After speaking with Mrs. Ingram, I deleted Mayra's comments. Additionally, I moderated the comments simply because I was on vacation and didn't want to keep deleting any hate messages directed towards Morgan Ingram, Toni Ingram or myself--Sarah Afshar.

Mayra started to get aggressive with her responses the moment I started to moderate the comments. She started to attack me and accuse me of being Toni Ingram herself simply because I did not put her comments through. The paranoiac postulation started to become more evident when “aching for fame screepy boomer” Ms. Martinez even went so far to say that Toni Ingram was paying me to interview her. This is 100% false. I have never received any compensation from Mrs. Ingram nor would I ever ask her for money. I'm not anything like Mayra and her friend Tricia. Mayra even went so far to say that I was an Iran con crew leader, a webcam performer, a sex worker, a transgender, a stalker, a criminal, and a part of ISIS, before finally revealing her true colors and saying Persians are "third world" in efforts to intimidate me. Yes I am Iranian-American, but I'm not any of the other things she's falsely accused me of being. Then, to continue her charade she accused me of ruining the life of a man named Keenan Vanginkel, the guy who is the main perpetrator and primary suspect in the Morgan Ingram case. The vile lies and banter continued for minutes before Mayra finally threatened me and said "prepare to lose your blog" which I still have screenshots of. 


After I published the interview, I received a lot of great feedback from around the world. A lot of people thought it was honorable and admirable that I allowed Toni Ingram to use her voice to find out what happened to her daughter. Many (not just myself) speculated this was a homicide based on the high levels of Amitriptyline in Morgan Ingram's blood stream. Morgan also had a history of integrity, loyalty, fortitude, courage, and honesty. She had no history of criminal behavior and personally identified the man stalking her as Keenan James Vanginkel. Also, with the amount of evidence Toni Ingram has provided, there is no doubt Morgan was a victim of foul play. Because of my public support of this theory and because of my public opinion, I received unwarranted threats.

In fact, only days later I received more threats which came directly from the Websleuths site. This time, the harassment came from other individuals. Perhaps those individuals are just a few people or simply one person. Not only were they attacking Toni Ingram and myself, but they started to attack Morgan Ingram. It was weird and again, I refrained from publishing their utterance because all of it was just your typical, unoriginal ad hominem. Supremely banal at its finest, you could also tell the person who wrote the comments was angry, uneducated, conspicuous, and more than likely intoxicated. I'm guessing their IQ is lower than a dying house plant.


About a week after this, this person created a hate blog using the pseudonym Marcie Wogan. Occasionally, the pseudonym would change to Marcie Sweren. The blog was one of the worst things I have ever read. Not only was it filled with an array of untruths about myself, but it was literally attacking me and those close to me for no reason, utilizing whatever lie to support their lies. In addition to the hate towards me, they included people who I had no relation to in the actual blog implying I was related to them in some way. The thing that bothered me was the remark about me being a victim of child trafficking and that my mother "pimped me out" to members of ISIS. As my blood boiled over the false allegation, I contacted an attorney asking what legal options I had regarding the site and they said they would contact Google to see if they would actually remove it. The blog was so hateful, Google actually took the initiative and removed it directly from Blogger

My attorney at the time dug into Marcie Wogan and found out that this person wasn't just physically ill, but barely used the internet. That someone was using Wogan's identity to create hate blogs about numerous people. Apparently, I was not the only victim of this identity thief's rage as the person and/or people involved had a strong history of negative campaigning. They proceeded to inform me that Marcie Sweren Wogan was a retired attorney from Maryland and explained that her family was contacted about the situation. Her son John immediately contacted me after one of my friends, who is a world renowned journalist for a major media company independently contacted him. 

John said he thought Websleuths played a major role in his mother's impersonation and he strongly believed the administrator Tricia Griffith was behind everything. I knew nothing about the forum until Mrs. Ingram told me about it, after the forum's administrator attacked Toni because of her vocal efforts in her daughter Morgan's case. When I mentioned MayraMM, he mentioned Martinez's connection to Websleuths almost immediately. In the beginning I did not know who screepy Martinez was a member of the infamous true crime forum nor part of the mudslinging cabal until it was brought to my attention. When searching myself, I discovered that I was not the only target of this slanderous bludgeon. It was evidently clear to me after learning this key fact that screepy boomer Martinez was behind this based on the language, the truncation, the information, and the spamdexing that was voluntarily sent to me. That's when I realized it was clear she was behind the hate blogs in someway. Weird right?

Anyways, I noticed that this individual, Mayra Martinez, then, joined forces with a man who has been harassing me for years over my mother. An internet stalker named Michael Odegard from Portland, Oregon put up a hate blog about me in Fall of 2012, shortly before I interviewed Toni Ingram or ever talked about Mrs. Ingram here on my blog. The website was titled Sarah Afshar Bimbo I do believe. At the time, I was a part-time journalist for Yahoo! and worked a full-time job as a business development manager for an oil company, so I did not have the time to really inquire about the hateful space Odegard launched nor the fibs published on it. Mr. Odegard's blog about me was filled with awful lies and made absolutely no sense, as he was an old friend of my mother's. A former friend she never met in person, but rather conversed with in the MSN movie chat before she blocked him. Puzzling as to why I was a target of screepy stalker’s rage, I reached out to my mother immediately after I read his hate blog to ask her about him. My mother shared that he messaged her on MSN in the chatroom. She said she spoke to him because he had an interest in Star Wars, a popular science-fiction series of films and that was how they both initiated the conversation. 

The MSN chatroom was a virtual outlet where people discussed film, television, music, politics, and popular culture. My mother proceeded to tell me that she felt bad for him because she knew Mr. Odegard was ill, but also emphasized that he was a storyteller, as well as, a very paranoid, angry, and indolent person. She also informed me that he had a strong distain for his family, but never went into too much detail other than that. Truth be told, I never knew him and found his site to be nothing more than rants of an evident psycho. Mayra, who is an internet stalker, celebrated his egregious platform about me like he was the messiah of distraction and that she was happy someone hated me more than her, but enjoyed the satisfaction that someone so sick can backup her lies and opinions about me. In efforts to discredit me to support her spurious stories and because I published Toni Ingram's interview (which she incessantly wanted me to remove), she continued to publish more abhorrent filth online about me, only this time on individual hate sites she created about Toni. It was later discovered Martinez created these numerous websites and blogs using a stolen identity with Tricia Griffith from Websleuths and Jennifer Johnson, the mother of Morgan Ingram's stalker Keenan Vanginkel.

As all of this continued, she manipulated the search engines to say repugnant and fictitious things about not only myself, but my boyfriend Joseph Valo. Furthermore, this woman from Oregon tried to say that I was impersonating a bunch of people including some Persian guy I have never met named Hooman Shababi from Iran. Even going so far and insinuating that I was stealing multiple identities to spread propaganda. I want to go on record and say this is not true at all. She's created notoriety among armchair investigators who are foolish enough to believe her ill conceived and inconsistent anecdote. The same sofa sleuths who epitomize and represent the classic archetype who garner enjoyment bashing those who make them feel inferior. Textbook reprobates who promote communal narcissism. Martinez relentlessly makes up weird concoctions to compliment her stories which are based on her gonzo detritus. She even went so far to say that I am going to get arrested for supporting Toni Ingram. Yes folks, those were her exact words. Additionally, this deeply angry and self-loathing antagonist—who presumably remains confined to her dirty couch—has sought to characterize me as unhinged, labeling both Joe and me as internet stalkers or trolls. In a manner reminiscent of other individuals consumed by animosity and blame because she represents an archetype who is manifested with hate and blame, she insists on portraying herself as the victim while asserting that she never frequents this website. 

Which I find absolutely funny as she is the one who originally initiated contact, coming here to this blog posting threatening messages because I interviewed Toni Ingram and didn't approve any of her superfluously hateful remarks regarding Mrs. Ingram and her daughter Morgan. Morgan Ingram, who I believe is a victim of foul play. MayraMM's is 100% a liar. Her comments are overly redundant, not to mention ludicrous and preposterous. Mayra Martinez was the one who threatened me simply because I interviewed Mrs. Ingram, believe Morgan Ingram was murdered, and didn't approve any of her unconvincingly oscillating, threatening utterance. I still have the screenshots from this which are dated back to November 2012, when she first started harassing me over the Morgan Ingram case. 
Internet Stalking

Fast forward to 2014. It is currently late February of 2014 and this woman just continues to harass me, as she continues to spread untrue, untenable, and fallacious lies about me which are an amalgam of foolishness and absurdity she's created for clout and sympathy. She has no proof, but screenshots she created with her innumerable fake accounts. She also spreads complete fan fiction, as it is clear she is obsessed with me and has been since 2012. 

Today, I provide evidence of this fact something incompatible with her alleged findings and verity. Personally, I think Martinez is a one-woman army, a dissenter filled with multiple alter egos. I don't know what kind of personality and temperament to expect from her today, as they tend to change often every time she visits this website. Perhaps she is on the world wide web impersonating me and using my identity to attack others so they will believe her preposterous story thus I will never know. In this regard, it is worth noting that she repeatedly visits this blog to post egregiously hateful remarks aimed at me, primarily due to my belief that Morgan Ingram was murdered by Keenan Vanginkel. Such behavior is not only troubling, but constitutes as cyberstalking. In fact, I would contend that her actions may indeed meet the criteria for cyberstalking. If you examine the definition of stalking that delineates the classic exemplar and archetype. 

I can easily share screenshots regarding Ms. Martinez and her menacing on the world wide web which will ruin her credibility and possibly her life, but I am not an acrimonious person in any shape or form. I have been lenient when it comes to this individual and her menacing and have no desire to threaten her nor anyone for that matter because my energy is way too valuable to be wasted. Notably, a certain aggrieved baby booming blogger who exemplifies the detrimental effects of hostility within the true crime genre. Her resentment toward the world manifests in a palpable disdain for women she perceives as superior, ultimately undermining the integrity and nuanced discourse that the genre deserves. She’s one angry armchair detective who obsessed with blaming Morgan Ingram for her death while glorifying criminals as good citizens. To be perfectly honest, I find her reflections of the Ingram case to be nothing more than inconsequential verbose and garbage. I don't ever see my views collectively converging with Martinez's because she is an unlettered contrarian with the inaptitude to accept logical standpoints. 

It is clear Martinez doesn't believe Mrs. Ingram nor supports the homicide theory. It is not up to me nor anyone else to change this rapid true crime fanatic's stance on the bone of contention, just like it is not up to anyone else to change mine. However, Mayra doesn't have to spread lies nor does she have to do horrible things to silence others who disagree with her. She doesn't have to meticulously spread lies about them, as well as, encourage the public to physically harm them just because she does not see eye-to-eye with their theories on a crime cases. I have never encouraged anyone to harass Ms. Martinez at all and if you read my blog, you will see this. Nevertheless, I will voluntarily give my iPhone, my MacBook, and any smart device I own to authorities to prove what Mayra is saying is 100% false. I don’t think she can say the same. 

Moreover, there are many ways of sharing an opinion about a crime case without being a vicious and vindictive person. This peculiar and unsettling individual from Oregon appears too entrenched in her misconceptions to acknowledge the truth. Even when the facts surrounding Morgan Ingram's case are revealed, she will likely continue to make excuses for Keenan Vanginkel, who clearly perpetrated Morgan's murder and attempted to disguise it as a suicide. I don't go to any of her rancorous websites nor do I read any of her hate blogs. I never engage in the dialogue (which I’m certain 99% of the dialogue are her) because what she has said about me is not true. I am asking my readers to avoid visiting any of her execrable, chimerical websites and blogs. I do not encourage anyone to threaten her and I am asking you not to, as I don't condone bullying nor stooping to someone's level. If Mayra (or any armchair sleuth for that matter) is engaging in caricature with the intent to amass believers and garner sympathy, that my friends is not only illegal, but really sad and I hope for her sake she ends this vicious witch-hunt. At the end of the day, it is only creating unjustifiable distress for herself spreading lies about people simply because they possess a different point-of-view.

Speaking of viciousness, I am well aware that it's inevitable to avoid backlash when dipping into the realm of true crime especially in a case where a woman was stalked for months, reported the stalking, and is now dead; however, what this person is saying about me is completely false and not true at all. You can choose what you want to believe, but in all honesty my only crime was allowing a grieving mother to use her voice to find answers. A mother who has been dragged through independent media by reclining researchers who cannot accept one's opinion that differs from their own. A mother who, in short, questions the discrepancies of her daughter's suspicious death. 

I am guilty of interviewing Toni Ingram--who is the force, the face, and the voice of her daughter Morgan Ingram. Toni is one of the nicest people I've ever met and she continues to fight one of the biggest fights she's ever fought, finding the truth about what happened to her daughter because it is evidently clear by the vast majority of status quo society Morgan's death was mysterious. And truth be told, this Mayra Martinez (or MayraMM) is a malicious cyberbully with an agenda so ego-driven, she fails to refute her own research which is nothing more than venomous propaganda against myself and victim blaming of Morgan Ingram. 

I am well within my rights to express my opinion. Martinez represents the quintessential distasteful armchair detective archetype who peddles misinformation to elevate her self-worth—a rather ironic endeavor, considering it likely stems from her own disappointing reality. It's as if her attempts to feel superior are simply a diversion from her unfortunate life. I will always advocate for Morgan Ingram and as an American citizen, I firmly uphold my right to express my opinion about her murder. Mayra Martinez, an insignificant nobody in the sphere of public discourse will never undermine the legitimacy of my opinion.


Anonymous said…
I don’t believe a single lie she’s posted about you. I always felt her attacking you was irrelevant considering all you did was interview Toni Ingram. I think she’s making things up in a form to discredit and intimidate you into deleting the interviews regarding Morgan Ingram. Please don’t do this. You have every right to your opinion regarding Morgan Ingram.
Anonymous said…
I have always thought it was very weird how only a few woman would go to such length to perpetuate the idea that Morgan committed suicide. Then praise the alleged stalker. I mean, he has a horrible criminal record and has been in trouble before for criminal trespassing.

With that aside, I believe you and I believe this was a murder. I also have been wanting to know something. I wanted to ask, what is her connection to Terry Stipp aka Terry Cavitalo aka Terry Sholes or Windchime on Websleuths?
Anonymous said…
So Windchime aka Terry Stipp is actually using alters of dead people to troll others? She’s still a member of Websleuths? Crazy!
Anonymous said…
MayraMM has so much time on her hands and seems unhinged. Almost obsessed. At least based on reading her blogs. I don’t believe a single word she said about you.
Anonymous said…
Michael Odegard is crazy. I heard him on Sword and Scale when I joined Mike Boudet’s patreon and thought he sounded like a liar.
Bethany said…
I read her blog and to be honest, she appears to be very jealous of you. That’s just what I get reading her blog. If you weren’t so beautiful she would have ignored you. I’m confused as to why every mother who lost a child and wants answers has Münchausen syndrome. Seems like a diagnosis that these people come up with.
Nisha said…
I think Myra is schizophrenic and your best bet is to ignore her. She’s crazy!!
Anonymous said…
Mayra is telling people you were d0xed by Anonymous by 9riest because of Michael Odegard. It is so weird. What does Michael Odegard have to do with Morgan Ingram?
Sarah said…
9riest, who I suspected was Mayra herself posted public record information that was outdated on pastebin. It was like information on spokeo. I didn't really speak out regarding this because it didn't bother because the information was outdated. They also tried to say I was arrested for a traffic citation yet the birth date of the Sarah Afshar who was arrested was several years younger than myself. The d0x was completely fake and consisted of public information. And at the time, I was living in Bozeman, Montana (not Butte, which was where I lived prior to Bozeman) so it never bothered me when it originally happened. She attempted to perpetuate this narrative to complement her fictitious story that I was involved in impersonating a bunch of people because no one would ever support Toni Ingram. She's just a shadowy nobody who plays crime detective on the internet. Truth be told, I simply nothing her and see as nothing more than a cyberstalker/cyberbully type persona.

Michael Odegard is an unhinged internet stalker from Oregon who has been harassing me for years. He use to talk to my mother in the MSN movie chat. She was actually nice to him from what she told me. After he said something horrible to her, she blocked him. In like Fall of 2012 he created a hate blog titled "Sarah Afshar Bimbo" where he said a bunch of crazy stuff about me and even used pictures of mine. It was just so weird. Then, when my ex boyfriend Joe contacted him asking him to leave me alone, he started harassing him. I have never talked to this guy in my life nor has Joe and I have no idea how he or Mayra found each other nor do I care.

I will continue to support Toni Ingram, as I truly believe Morgan was a victim of stalking and murder. Due to the high levels of Amitriptyline, this is why I believe this is true. I also believe because of how her body looked in the autopsy photos, there is just no way she took her own life. Looking at the suspect, I definitely believe he was involved simply because he was identified by Morgan herself and because he has a history of this type of behavior. The modus operadi is quite evident here with the multiple criminal trespassing charges.

I want to make one thing clear, I have never harassed anyone regarding Toni Ingram. This is propaganda created by Mayra Martinez in efforts to silence those who disagree with her narrative. To silence critics regarding the Morgan Ingram case. I don't know her connection to Terry Stipp, but I am sure Websleuths evidently plays a role as both are part of the website. I don't know who Terry Stipp is and I don't know much about Mayra nor do I care. I have too many things going on in my life to care about other people. I wrote this blog post over 6 years ago.
Anonymous said…
9riest is NOT Mayra. 9riest is David Adler. When 9riest was originally d0xed, they were d0xed as Tina Adler. It turned out 9riest was actually David Adler who uses the alias Priest Adler to promote his podcast. I know 9riest personally. Was friends with him for years. After the whole thing with James McGibney suing Neal Rauhauser and then Rauhauser filing the anti-SLAAP, he’s completely disappeared as an online personality. His d0x was very bad too. He was d0xed in like 2017, from I remember.
Anonymous said…
Did Michael Odegard make the Sarah Afshar Bimbo blog before or after you interviewed Toni Ingram?
Sarah said…
He created the blog way before I ever interviewed Toni Ingram. He actually was spamming it on my blog and tried to say he created it because I left a comment up in one of my blog posts which had his name in it. It was so weird and bizarre. I just continued to block him. I don't know whether or not the blog exists anymore or not, as I haven't looked nor have the desire to look as this was over 7 years ago.

When I originally interviewed Toni Ingram, her interview was published on Yahoo! Voices and then republished on Yahoo! News. The original interview was published in late 2012. I wrote a blog post a few days before I originally published it to Yahoo! on here and MayraMM came to my blog sharing links to the truth blog she spams all over the place. When I discovered Mayra had bad intentions, I removed her comments and didn't approve any more of them. At the time I was on vacation too and I didn't want to have to keep deleting her comments. I didn't want anyone talking bad about Mrs. Ingram or Morgan Ingram.

This made her angry because it was evident she was a Keenan apologist and she didn't like the fact that I have been vocally supportive of Toni Ingram the homicide theory. It was my first post regarding Morgan Ingram and I was shocked at the comments she left. She called me "third world" because I am Iranian American before actually threatening me. It was just so weird. What I found even more vile were her attacks on Morgan Ingram. They say so much about her and her decorum. I do not care about MayraMM, as she is nothing more than a cyberstalking liar with an opinion.
Anonymous said…
I saw the sites he made about you and the sites he made about your ex boyfriend Joe Valo. He’s really disgusting. The elevator doesn’t hit the top with that one.
Anonymous said…
Deep down I always felt you were the victim in all of this. I’m so happy you are speaking out and exposing this.
Linda Henderson said…
I watched Mayra on DarkNet and she reminded me of a paranoid schizophrenic. Just the stuff she said and how she moved. They tried to portray her as this fearless person, but it looked really bad. Definitely not a good look to say he’s innocent. If it is found he’s guilty, she’s going to discredit herself going on television.
Anonymous said…
Mayra looks and sounds sick. I was doing a search on her after she sent me a tweet on Twitter. She hates my political views because it is clear she’s a dem. Her comment about the “Persian scammers” makes me laugh. Mexico is classified as a third world country. Iran is not. Her insult towards you are just a reflection of herself. Based on reading her blog she plays the victim too much to be taken seriously with not much proof to back up what she says. There are no objective facts, just rants about how much of a troll you are. You live rent free in her head yet your blog is very well written and based on Alexa, you have more traffic than her blog does. I like your blog and I just subscribed.
Anonymous said…
Michael Odegard reminds me of the gollum on Lord of the Rings. Honestly, I think most people do not believe his story. I’m convinced he’s like Jared Loughner but even more warped and crazy. I worry about your safety more than anything and I see Mayra is trying to provoke him to harm you which makes her look much worse. I think she knows he’s crazy and using that to her advantage because she herself is. These people are really psycho and you don’t know what they are capable of. If he would ever like approach you, if I were you I would have him tackled and arrested because I read on a blog he made that he wants to shoot you and Joe. He’s crazy and can clearly see he’s a liar.
BJ said…
Michael Odegard is a psychopathic person who should not be provoked. He’s fooling people or they are just as crazy and hope he will harm you to shut him up. I met Odegard in person back in 2009 after chatting with him in the Buzzen political chat. The guy was all kinds of crazy and very dirty. His apartment smelled like putrid crap. He had urine in plastic containers placed in a white trash bags in his bathroom. I asked him what it was but he said it was trash. He had no food in his house but old food pantry meat and like two cases of beer which was weird. At the time his mother Karen was paying for his apartment and his food. After she cut him off he’s tried to become famous online and tried to make money from people on the internet by creating a fake story that I’m stalking him and he’s homeless because I’m stalking him. This is far from the truth when he use to call me after I left his apartment. I never answered his calls or texts. One time my wife picked up and said I was unavailable. Then he tried to ask her why I didn’t talk to him anymore. I’m tell everyone now he’s really crazy and it’s all part of a scam. He recently started collecting hundreds in free money for a non profit that isn’t registered as a non profit. When and if I see Michael Odegard I am going to confront him and have my wife record everything. I definitely can see he’s stalking you because he’s that type of person. He stalked me and can’t keep my name out of his mouth. It looks like this Mayra broad believes him and has a thing for defending psychopaths. Odegard is all internet because in person he won’t ever say half of what he’s said. You seem like a nice girl Sarah. I can tell you Michael Odegard is crazy and I worry about you but the guy is lazy AF, bald, sick, and real out of shape so I don’t think he can harm anyone but I still worry. How did you meet Michael Odegard or I’m guessing he was talking to your mom and saw what you look like and became stalkerish after that? He says I’m stalking him when I met him once and stopped talking to him after I met him IRL. He’s one crazy creep mf.

Sarah said…
I never met Michael Odegard nor talked to this guy in my life. He use to talk to my mother who he met in the MSN movie chat back in like 2002. My mother is a huge fan of science fiction movies, so I think that is how he came up with the connection. He has made numerous hate sites about me and my ex boyfriend Joe, who he is insists is involved when Joe only wrote him once and asked him to leave me alone. It was shortly after he made the hate site "Sarah Afshar Bimbo" which was before I ever talked about the Morgan Ingram case on the blog. I honestly do not care about this individual, as I am definitely not stalking nor harassing this individual, and I hope he gets the help he needs.
BJ said…
He messaged me in the Buzzen political chat and told me he was liberal and he couldn’t believe I was from portland. He told me he lived in northeast portland and we agreed to meet for dinner and beer about a few weeks after talking online. I use to live in the same area. He had a BBQ at his place. I actually got sick that night and had bad diarrhea from the food. He had barely any toilet paper in his bathroom but a huge trash bad filled with water bottles filled with urine. I asked him about it and he said it was trash. He also had a lot of pills in his cabinet that were full. He had 3 different types of antipsychotic medication in it. He use to flirt with my wife and she called me several times while I visited and he would say stuff to her. When my phone died I used his computer and found weird gore pron on it. I never asked him about it and just finished my beer and left his apartment. He started calling me and harassing me after and I never answered or replied to his texts. I never thought about Odegard for years until someone called me who wanted to hire me and said about the sites he made. When I tried to defend myself in the comments he didn’t put them through and then added more to his original posts. He used old mugshots of me and then took another guy with the same name who is much older and tried to say I was that guy. The guy is really psycho and he said I was part of a group you and you bf joe were part of and we were out to get him. He’s mad because I stopped talking to him. I met him once and that was enough then when I left his dirty apartment I blocked him completely. I never once thought about the guy since leaving his apartment. I’ll tell you tho if he tries to harm my wife and kids he’s going to regret that.
P.C Rider said…
She is a nutcase for sure. No objective facts and has tried to discredit you using multiple identities and websites. I don’t think TruthForMorgan is a dozen women. It’s all Mayra and Tricia. I think she and Tricia Griffith would be better people if they went to the gym and learned to use a hairbrush. They are bullies and will never learn to be good people. Mayra is pushing 60 and Tricia is around the same age. I’ve met Tricia in person and I can tell you somethings about her that no one knows.
Ingram said…
Anon 1:23 - DO TELL! She’s harassing me and my family.
Anonymous said…
Mayra Martinez is a text book example of psychotic! I have watched Mayra and her gang of Websleuth cyberstalkers harrass people online just because someone has a differing opinion! They are the worst of the worst AND the lowest of the low! What Mayra and her crew of criminals do to others is very disturbing and should be investigated! Sarah, you are way above that EVIL bunch and it shows. Keep shining Bright
Washington said…
I couldn’t help notice someone mentioned Michael Odegard. I know his mother and aunt IRL. Michael is paranoid schizophrenic and was diagnosed by two different doctors. They have tried to help him for years. He’s sick.
Anonymous said…
Sounds like a very disturbed person. Looks like one also. I get bad vibes almost immediately reading their blogs and seeing them on television. She sounds so angry and definitely is mentally unhinged.
Anonymous said…
Very disturbing. I wonder what’s wrong with her.
Anonymous said…
Michael Odegard is crazy! I saw someone mention him. I met Odegard years ago through Russell Jorgensen his former roommate. He’s insane. He use to write horrible stuff on the walls and threatened to kill Russ. The days after he would blame it on drinking. He is very lazy hence why he’s begging for money online. Mode_of_RDNE, modepdx, Modegard, NotASchizoPdx, DarthVader77, BaldFatForty, Cyberhawk, and MimiVonPeach are all aliases used by Odegard. He uses multiple identities to harass people. Russell has many recordings saved of him threatening him. He even called Russell’s workplace and tried to have him fired over like $100. The guy is beyond cray crazy.
Anonymous said…
Mayra’s blog is so poorly written. Too much weird paraphrasing and constantly playing the victim. It’s like a woman with messy hands is trying to redeem herself when it’s clear she is not the victim at all. Her hands are very dirty in this.
Anonymous said…
Michael Odegard reminds me of a dangerous stalker who is very sick. When I heard him on Sword and Scale, I immediately got Ricardo Lopez vibes. I’ve been stalked before and the first thing stalkers tend to do is belittle their victims and complain that the people they are obsessed with are to blame for their failures in life. I saw his hate blog about you and then the one he made about you and your ex boyfriend Joe. He’s deeply infatuated and obsessed. Stalkers tend to blame the object of their obsession and never take responsibility for their own life. He also comes across as a fame chaser and has a very feminine voice that gives me Johnny Depp’s version of Willy Wonka vibes. At first I thought he was getting paid. I think this Mayra Martinez is definitely ill and the one who is contacting people using your identity. She talks very slow and masculine. I got vibes of someone trying to be hard but someone who lost track of their lies during her segment. Like a biker in a dive bar stirring drama because she despises someone. Tricia Griffith also stood out. Totally reminded me of a liar attempting to act normal but failing when she starts out saying she’s trying to remember and goes into details. Her claims of not remembering Toni Ingram but seems to have some sort of reaccount verbatim and blaming you for no reason to make herself out to be a victim. It was interesting to listen to these three degenerates lie about you just because they disagree with your stance on a crime case. That’s what I took from it. I like Sword and Scale but I could hear the deception on the podcast. I have had a stalker before who is a lot like this Odegard. He never stopped until he passed away. I received an apology from a family member of his like a year after who claimed he was sick. He was pretty much a mirror image of this guy. You are wise just ignoring them. I enjoy your blog.
Anonymous said…
Someone came to my website as “Sarah Afshar” and linked back to this website saying crazy stuff. I checked the IP and it came from Eugene, Oregon. It looks like this sick psychopath is posing as you to get people to believe her story. I’ll send you all of the information you need to take it to law enforcement.
Anonymous said…
Sarah, these people are extremely unhinged and remind me of serial stalkers who have the potential of attacking and possibly killing their victims. Please keep yourself safe and stay clear of them.
Linda said…
I just heard about you on the Sword and Scale pod. Michael Odegard is batshit crazy! Like he’s totally insane. Crazy is a dirty word. Keep yourself far far away from that one.
Candace said…
MayraMM is a cyberbully and cyberstalker. It seems she attacks those she’s jealous of and disagrees with. Just my opinion.
Allison said…
I’ve known both Sarah Afshar and Joseph Valo III since 1998. I met both of them at the prom. I can tell you that this Mayra is a liar and everything she has said about them both is not true. Not true at all. I also believe (and I know I’m not the only one who thinks this) Michael Odegard is a stalker. Odegard personally contacted me on Facebook sharing links to a podcast where he spent the vast majority of the time bashing Sarah and spreading lies to appear as a victim. No way and no how do I believe his lies and fake story. I saw his hate sites he made about them both. I reported his death threats to Joe immediately after I saw them. Everything posted online about Sarah and Joe are lies. They are two of the nicest people I have ever met. It’s an honor to call both of them my friends. Even though Sarah and Joe aren’t together anymore I speak to both daily and I believe they are victims of this Mayra woman and the Odegard guy and not the opposite. These people seem extremely unstable and very very paranoid to be honest. Dangerous honestly. They complain so much but from what I see are liars. The crazy Odegard contacted me on FB and said “you are going to pay if you associate yourself with Joe Valo and Sarah Afshar.” Then this crazed man proceeded to threaten me. I blocked and reported him. He really comes across as the stalker. He needs help and for the love of god I hope he doesn’t reproduce. I know this post is older but I want to speak in the defense of Sarah and Joe who are victims of these disturbing people. Do all people act like this from Oregon or just the liberal soy boys from Oregon?
Anonymous said…
I am a liberal and I don’t believe this Mayra or Odegard guy. Leave the political affiliation out of this.
Haniya said…
“Allison” I am a liberal and I think this Odegard guy is crazy. Political views shouldn’t even be brought up.
Anonymous said…
I’m a democrat Allison and I think this Odegard guy is nuts. Mayra Martinez and that Websleuths lady are also. I use to be a huge fan of Mike Boudet and Sword and Scale but seeing how he acts like a lunatic on social media I don’t listen to him anymore. I prefer other true crime podcasts.
Anonymous said…
MayraMM is a monster! Very scary, sick person.
Mehzebeen said…
I saw her on DarkNet. Her place looks dirty. Major trash.
Barb said…
She is very unstable. I think she believes her own lies and kind of runs with them. Definitely no victim. I heard about you the S&S podcast and didn’t believe her. I felt like she, Tricia, and that guy that was on were all lying and tried to make others think you are crazy. Honestly they sounded really psycho. Mayra kept breathing really heavily and had this weird lisp going on. Tricia reminds me of a hag. That homeless guy who tried to blame you for his lack of success sounded so crazy and reminded me of Clay Aiken.
Paula said…
I believe you. She comes across as a major liar and even a bit unhinged. I remember that crazy Marcie Wogan. I always thought it was Tricia of Websleuths. I remember hearing a recording on SoundCloud and it was Tricia’s voice in the recording saying they were Marcie. I always thought Kirsten Curry (she died in 2018) was the priest because as soon as I messaged her that person deactivated. I haven’t seen the alter since she passed away. I always felt like Mayra was lying and there is talk she created a gofundme for one of her grandchildren or used photos of her daughter and grandchild and pocketed the money. I hope she leaves you alone. She’s scary.
Anonymous said…
I don’t think Mayra is all there honestly. I get the impression she’s extremely mentally ill. She’s definitely an internet stalker.
Anonymous said…
Wasn’t Marcie Wogan’s Identity stolen by this Mayra? I remember seeing Mayra follow Marcie’s son and then unfollow him. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Anonymous said…
Mayra was using Marcie’s identity. She was a former member Websleuths. There is talk both Tricia and her admin were both impersonating Marcie and an actual voice recording of Tricia calling up former district attorney Kirsten Olsen Curry’s ex husband. Kirsten or 9riest (who I suspect are the same person) posted the recording and it’s clearly Tricia in the recording.
Anonymous said…
Very disturbing
Kayla said…
Tricia Griffith of Websleuths used the Marcie Wogan alias to slander both Toni Ingram and Sarah Afshar. The hate sites this uneducated, old, fat pig made about both Sarah and Toni were beyond disgusting and MayraMM has admitted involvement in multiple private messages. Mayra uses the identity Shelby O’Connor and has admitted to conspiring with Tricia in the hate sites. This woman is no saint and those who think Sarah and Toni are crazy because of what this old, very lowlife woman is doing are stupid and being scammed. I saw those sites and they were horrible. If I were Toni and Sarah, I would have them both in a courtroom. The one post they made about Sarah being pimped out by her mother is gross. Old Tricia should be ashamed. Health problems or not, it is not ok to slander someone who has a different opinion than you on a crime case. I never thought Marcie was real but had heard multiple times she was impersonated. Her son JB is smart and knows it’s Tricia. Marcie was vocal about Terry Stipp which I think is the reason she used the Marcie identity. There are recordings online and it’s Tricia’s voice. She’s also bashed Morgan Ingram. Same with this MayraMM woman. Just sick. Glad to see you made a post calling them out. You kept it classy. If it were me I would be exposing them everyday for the horrible things they have done.
Anonymous said…
Awful. I am so sorry you had to deal with this level of harassment.
Brenda said…
I am so sorry this crazy person is harassing you and stalking you. She comes across as a rapid internet stalker obsessed with the Morgan Ingram case more than anything else. I would never trust her judgment and she writes worse than my 16 year old daughter.
Anonymous said…
I have personally spoke with Myra Martinez on the phone and she’s very unhinged. I did a story earlier this year and she’s very obsessed with Sarah. She’s a liar in regards to a lot of things she says. Myra needs help but she’s in denial she has a problem and thinks she’s helping Keenan when its hurting him more.
Anonymous said…
Mayra’s nuts. She looks it also.
Linda said…
She’s a fat stalker.
Anonymous said…
The hate site “Marcie Wogan” made about Sarah Afshar was by far worse than anything I’ve ever seen. I always thought it was Mayra Martinez (MayraMM) and Tricia Griffith of Websleuths. I think Tricia was not only mad she didn’t get a second interview with Toni Ingram, but she was angry about being associated with her.
Jeff said…
Michael Odegard comes across as a sociopathic story teller. Classic compulsive liar with stage 4 paranoid schizophrenia and acute PTSD. My fifth year of psychology before I moved on psychiatry in college we had to analyze schizophrenic people and Michael Odegard without question has it. Very easy to diagnose when he displays the signs. One thing you’ll notice about these people is the fact they don’t work. That’s why most homeless people who still continue to be have no interest in working because they are mentally disconnected from doing anything and enjoy attention for being lazy. Whether it’s pity or just being able to story tell hence why most will blame their failures and lack of success on one their are obsessed with.

I believe 45-year old Michael Odegard became obsessed and was stalking or cyberstalking Sarah Afshar. Put up a website to get attention from her. I think 60-year old Mayra contacted him and knew he was obsessed with Sarah so she did her best to give this obviously mentally ill man a platform to spew his lies and story. I could tell he was lying immediately as he displays all signs of a disgruntled, scorned person with rage. Plus I have been reading Sarah’s blog for a long time. I think Joseph Valo is or was her oldest boyfriend. I don’t see Sarah having interest in an almost 50 bald man with an aesthetically unappealing face and no job. A woman of Sarah’s caliber isn’t interested in men like this Odegard guy.

Odegard is an internet stalker.
Anonymous said…
Mayra definitely out that Odegard guy up to the scam. All because she disagrees with Sarah on a crime case and doesn’t want anyone supporting Toni Ingram. I honestly have no opinion on the case but any sane, normal person can see this. Heck, any weirdo can see it also. I think Mayra is also behind “Sarah Afshar internet stalker” and “Toni Ingram killed Morgan” search words along with that Websleuths lady. The one that sounds like a smoker in a dive diner. Can’t think of her name.
Anonymous said…
7:19 - Joseph Valo is light years more attractive than Michael Odegard who looks like something out of a comic book. I don’t believe Michael Odegard or Mayra Martinez. Never did. Honestly, I think Odegard is jealous of Joe and MayraMM is jealous of Sarah. IMO.
Anonymous said…
Jeff, I am also a long term reader and I always knew that was a scam. I think it was perpetuated by unhinged Michael Odegard and Mayra Martinez just embraced his lies and fiction as fact because she hates Sarah for supporting Toni. The more I read up on this dialogue the more I believe Sarah Afshar is completely innocent and getting attacked for vocally supporting Toni Ingram. I also think Mayra Martinez has a hatred for Persian people just reading the above screenshot. She should seriously practice what she preaches and stop harassing people just because they disagree with her on crime cases.
Maria said…
i know mayra in person and she’s very obsessed with you and toni ingram. she befriended morgan’s stalker online and his family. she’s admitted to me she heard about the case on websleuths. she tried to get me involved and asked me to create a fake sarah afshar profile to contact mike boudet on sword and scale. i dont know much about technology so i declined and said even if i knew i don’t want involved in this. she said sarah was ruining her life because sarah is publicly supporting toni ingram and impersonating a bunch of people. mayra tried to get me to impersonate several because she has a book, one of those cheap notebooks filled with fake accounts and passwords. when I asked why she wanted to impersonate sarah she looked at me and said i want to ruin her life. she has become so obsessed with this case she doesn’t leave her house and is always on the computer. she’s gained tons of weight and has health problems. she use to be active and go places. she worked as a bouncer and did security. she was heavily involved in mma. she did crime scene cleaning and helped others move. she just had a grandchild not too long ago who almost died and she’s become even hateful since. i know she and i won’t ever be friends again after this. she’s obsessed with sarah afshar, toni ingram, and the morgan ingram case. when i confronted her she says it’s a group but all i see is her actions. im writing because she needs help.
Anonymous said…
Maria, that is very sad if true. I will pray for Mayra.
Igloo said…
It’s clear she’s obsessed with the Morgan Ingram case as it’s clear she enjoys playing the victim. I honestly don’t believe her or that Michael Odegard guy are sane. Tricia Griffith is also very unstable. All of these lies about Toni Ingram and Sarah Afshar and yet they can’t refute neither one. Makes you wonder what other scams are up their sleeves. It’s also clear they are using Mike Boudet of Sword and Scale for ratings. I don’t believe Mayra Martinez or Michael Odegard and I definitely don’t believe the Websleuths lady.
Anonymous said…
Is she a dem?
Anonymous said…
mayra comes across as paranoid and obsessed with the case. seems to be normality for this arm chair sleuth to slander those who disagree with her. i don’t believe her dirty lies.
Elle said…
I always thought MayraMM was Marcie Wogan. But then I heard a SoundCloud recording Kirsten Olson Curry posted years ago and the voice sounds just like Tricia Griffith of Websleuths. In the recording, she’s slandering Kirsten to her ex husband via voicemail and asking that he act on the information. Tricia of Websleuths is problematic so I don’t know if I think this is all Mayra. I’m not defending Mayra by any means. I think Mayra is a nutcase. I think Tricia is real crazy though and it makes sense why she’s targeting Sarah considering she had interviewed Mrs. Ingram prior to her speaking with Sarah. Personally I think Mayra is just a rapid fan obsessed with the case. If she was impersonating Marcie she could have made the horrible hate sites about you and Toni with Tricia and Tricia was the one contacting people through phone. Search “Marcie Wogan SoundCloud.” It sounds just like Tricia Griffith of Websleuths disguising her voice.
Anonymous said…
Mayra sounds like a pathological lying malignant narcissist than anything. I think she’s more obsessed with Morgan Ingram than she is anything and has a connection towards defending dark triad behavior Machiavellianism. She comes across as an obsessed arm chair sleuth obsessed with the Morgan Ingram case and trying to prove Toni Ingram and those of you who support her (you especially) wrong because she doesn’t want to be wrong nor accept the fact she is potentially wrong. She has a lot of callous and unemotional traits. I suspect she sits in the dark at all hours of the night spreading around a false narrative because it feeds into her dementia. One severely effed up woman you have here. She’s obviously not very happy in life.
Maxwell said…
She contradicts herself a lot. Definitely a classic sociopath obsessed with the Morgan Ingram case. In my opinion, I think Mayra is probably up there with some of tinfoil crazies who create conspiracy theories and run with them.
Ty said…
She sounds more obsessed with you than she does the Morgan Ingram case. She and that Websleuths lady. All you did was interview Toni Ingram. I think she’s unstable and not someone to provoke if she’s doing terrible things online especially to you. But that explains why she’s more than likely impersonating you and contacting people online to turn them against you. One look at their IP, DNS, and Mac Id is enough to bust them up. What she’s doing is highly illegal. Mike Boudet of Sword and Scale use to do SEO for me. If he’s being contacted by fake profiles he’s not stupid enough to not look at their info. A VPN can’t ever hide a Mac Id let alone a dns so I’m sure he will know it’s Mayra or one of her friends and personally I think Michael Odegard is gay and was paid to do the segment with Mayra and that Websleuths lady. In my opinion at least. I haven’t talked to Boudet in 3-4 years and the last time I saw him IRL was when he first started his podcast. He was living Florida. Now he’s in Texas. I hope he’s well.
Anonymous said…
Based on reading everything and looking at both sides, she sounds very unstable.
Anonymous said…
Two words: Armchair Sleuth!
Anonymous said…
Mayra is definitely a liar but what makes her more disturbed is her various arm chair sleuth victim playing. Anyone who has a different opinion is a bully. Sorry but it’s clear to 90% of planet earth that Mayra Martinez is the bully.
Anonymous said…
I think Mayra is a stalker, a wannabe crime fighter, and a nutcase.
Anonymous said…
She sounds disturbed. I love you and your blog.
Anonymous said…
Mayra is unstable and very very obsessed.
Anonymous said…
I’ve dived deep into this and looked at both sides fully. I’ve come to the conclusion Mayra is very unstable and obsessed with the Morgan Ingram case.
Getty said…
Is MayraMM a male or a female?
Anonymous said…
The Morgan Ingram case has nothing to do with this Mayra. The fact this cyber hag makes an unsolved case about them proves that their “I am being harassed” is a part of their narcissism. The fact they can’t accept others opinions proves they are extremely unstable, potentially violent, and very dangerous.
Julie said…
Mayra comes across as a scammer to me and is total trash.
About Mayra Martinez said…
I thought she was a friend of Keenan Vanginkel’s mother. Turns out she’s the standard, typical arm chair sleuth obsessed with the case. She also appears very obsessed with you. Infatuated. Definitely needs help. Great blog post. Glad to hear your side.
Richter said…
Great sleuthing! Good job exposing these arm chair slobs. I can’t decide who is worse Mayra or Tricia. Both are equally pretty disgusting. 😁🤪
Anonymous said…
MayraMM (Mayra Martinez) and Websleuths lady (Tricia Griffith) are crazy in my honest opinion, are internet stalkers, are internet trolls, and it’s clear the internet (social media in particular) brought out the real mental sickness in these two boomers. Imagine how bad their lives are that they spend years harassing a woman who interviewed a grieving mother looking for answers and tried to convince the public that the woman who interviewed the grieving mother is a nutcase.

I believe Sarah Afshar to be honest, sincere, and genuine. She’s also quite sane and seems to have her act together. Mayra and Tricia, not so much. They are extremely ill and they can’t hide it. Most of us who are looking at everything surrounding the Morgan Ingram case see who they are and what they are all about. Anyone who believes these two boomers is as crazy and unhinged as they are.
Betsy said…
You can tell she hates herself and her life. She’s severely obsessed with you, Morgan Ingram, and Toni Ingram. You can tell she has health problems. Good to hear your side of the story. What she’s shared makes no sense and it’s pretty gross how she makes the Morgan Ingram about her. These armchair sleuths do more harm than good and most people don’t believe them. I think only other people who are sick would entertain their stories but most intelligent people won’t.
Anonymous said…
Fantastic job exposing MayraMM of Eugene, Oregon. You kept it classy. You are light years more intelligent than her and seem to be much more motivated and busy. Not to mention your article here contains more fact and less fluff than the one she shared. It’s clear you were a target of her rage and she thought of you as weak. The obvious rogeting and paraphrasing is so overly redundant and megalomaniacal. There is zero reason she should be making a crime case about herself. One look at her social media presence screams social service abuse. She comes across as an internet stalker and bully who is obsessed with you and Morgan Ingram. As a clear observer with a PhD (I’m proud of my credentials), I can tell you that this person is nothing more than caliginous loser. Amazing blog.
Anonymous said…
Mayra is nothing more than an internet stalker. A circus clown true crime jester who is the punchline to her own propaganda and joke. You took the classy approach of addressing her once. Anytime someone bullies someone they project and from what I see she is trying to make the Morgan Ingram case about her. It’s a bit strange. Hopefully she gets the help she needs.
Anonymous said…
Fantastic write up. I trust what you have to say. Definitely spot on.
Anahita said…
MayraMM has shown an unhealthy obsession with the Morgan Ingram case, often resorting to bullying tactics in her comments. Her posts are often copied and pasted without any original thought or research put into them, making it clear that she lacks a deep understanding of the facts surrounding this case. On the other hand, you have consistently proven yourself to be well-informed and detail-oriented when discussing this topic—something these “sleuths” should take note of. Unfortunately, these outdated approaches these armchair investigators utilize can do more harm than good for unsolved cases such as this one.
Anonymous said…
Mayra Martinez's behavior is utterly reprehensible. Not only does she parrot discrepancies and use a plethora of dubious sources to prop up her own flawed arguments, but also she goes out of her way to attack people who don't share the same opinion as her. Her refutes against Dr. Michael Dobersen regarding Amitriptyline were particularly egregious, as well as, completely false and it became abundantly clear to me that Mayra is nothing more than an online troll whose actions cause immense harm to innocent people. To make matters worse, Morgan’s stalker - a felon (his record stands true) - is far from being a saintly figure; he just serves as another example of Martinez's duplicitous nature when setting up her scams for public consumption. I have been following MayraMM's actions for years and it has become increasingly clear that her behavior is more than just questionable - she has consistently lied about both Toni Ingram and Sarah Afshar, portraying herself as a hero when in reality she is nothing more than an egotistical armchair troll spreading false information. As someone with no formal education, her opinions should be taken with a grain of salt and I would not recommend trusting anything she says.
Arezoo said…
I have been observing MayraMM's malicious defamation of Morgan Ingram, Toni Ingram and Sarah Afshar for a prolonged period of time. Her narrative is slanderous and her unsubstantiated claims are rooted in delusion; she is so desperately devoted to defending her ill-informed perspective that she will go to any lengths necessary to make it look like others agree with her misbeliefs - even resorting to impersonating people, stealing identities, harassing individuals without cause, and fabricating scenarios with stolen information in order to bolster the lies she tells. Her mental state is clearly compromised; this vengeful individual needs professional help immediately. I do not believe one word from this depraved degenerate's mouth - their words are nothing but poisonous mistruths.