She insisted that Morgan Ingram was not stalked and took her own life. She also speculated that Toni Ingram, the mother of Morgan Ingram, had Münchausen syndrome by Proxy and was unhinged. Unhinged, a term this loose cannon tends to use quite a lot. When I contacted Toni the same day, I asked her about this bizarre individual and if she knew her. I thought the pseudo diagnosis was a bit awkward and immediately thought she was friends with Morgan's stalker Keenan Vanginkel. She told me that this woman was an internet troll who was part of a group called Websleuths and not to engage. At the time, I did not know who she was so I published her comments before speaking with Toni. After speaking with Mrs. Ingram, I deleted Mayra's comments. Additionally, I moderated the comments simply because I was on vacation and didn't want to keep deleting any hate messages directed towards Morgan Ingram, Toni Ingram or myself--Sarah Afshar.
Mayra started to get aggressive with her responses the moment I started to moderate the comments. She started to attack me and accuse me of being Toni Ingram herself simply because I did not put her comments through. The paranoiac postulation started to become more evident when “aching for fame screepy boomer” Ms. Martinez even went so far to say that Toni Ingram was paying me to interview her. This is 100% false. I have never received any compensation from Mrs. Ingram nor would I ever ask her for money. I'm not anything like Mayra and her friend Tricia. Mayra even went so far to say that I was an Iran con crew leader, a webcam performer, a sex worker, a transgender, a stalker, a criminal, and a part of ISIS, before finally revealing her true colors and saying Persians are "third world" in efforts to intimidate me. Yes I am Iranian-American, but I'm not any of the other things she's falsely accused me of being. Then, to continue her charade she accused me of ruining the life of a man named Keenan Vanginkel, the guy who is the main perpetrator and primary suspect in the Morgan Ingram case. The vile lies and banter continued for minutes before Mayra finally threatened me and said "prepare to lose your blog" which I still have screenshots of.
After I published the interview, I received a lot of great feedback from around the world. A lot of people thought it was honorable and admirable that I allowed Toni Ingram to use her voice to find out what happened to her daughter. Many (not just myself) speculated this was a homicide based on the high levels of Amitriptyline in Morgan Ingram's blood stream. Morgan also had a history of integrity, loyalty, fortitude, courage, and honesty. She had no history of criminal behavior and personally identified the man stalking her as Keenan James Vanginkel. Also, with the amount of evidence Toni Ingram has provided, there is no doubt Morgan was a victim of foul play. Because of my public support of this theory and because of my public opinion, I received unwarranted threats.
In fact, only days later I received more threats which came directly from the Websleuths site. This time, the harassment came from other individuals. Perhaps those individuals are just a few people or simply one person. Not only were they attacking Toni Ingram and myself, but they started to attack Morgan Ingram. It was weird and again, I refrained from publishing their utterance because all of it was just your typical, unoriginal ad hominem. Supremely banal at its finest, you could also tell the person who wrote the comments was angry, uneducated, conspicuous, and more than likely intoxicated. I'm guessing their IQ is lower than a dying house plant.
About a week after this, this person created a hate blog using the pseudonym Marcie Wogan. Occasionally, the pseudonym would change to Marcie Sweren. The blog was one of the worst things I have ever read. Not only was it filled with an array of untruths about myself, but it was literally attacking me and those close to me for no reason, utilizing whatever lie to support their lies. In addition to the hate towards me, they included people who I had no relation to in the actual blog implying I was related to them in some way. The thing that bothered me was the remark about me being a victim of child trafficking and that my mother "pimped me out" to members of ISIS. As my blood boiled over the false allegation, I contacted an attorney asking what legal options I had regarding the site and they said they would contact Google to see if they would actually remove it. The blog was so hateful, Google actually took the initiative and removed it directly from Blogger.
My attorney at the time dug into Marcie Wogan and found out that this person wasn't just physically ill, but barely used the internet. That someone was using Wogan's identity to create hate blogs about numerous people. Apparently, I was not the only victim of this identity thief's rage as the person and/or people involved had a strong history of negative campaigning. They proceeded to inform me that Marcie Sweren Wogan was a retired attorney from Maryland and explained that her family was contacted about the situation. Her son John immediately contacted me after one of my friends, who is a world renowned journalist for a major media company independently contacted him.
John said he thought Websleuths played a major role in his mother's impersonation and he strongly believed the administrator Tricia Griffith was behind everything. I knew nothing about the forum until Mrs. Ingram told me about it, after the forum's administrator attacked Toni because of her vocal efforts in her daughter Morgan's case. When I mentioned MayraMM, he mentioned Martinez's connection to Websleuths almost immediately. In the beginning I did not know who screepy Martinez was a member of the infamous true crime forum nor part of the mudslinging cabal until it was brought to my attention. When searching myself, I discovered that I was not the only target of this slanderous bludgeon. It was evidently clear to me after learning this key fact that screepy boomer Martinez was behind this based on the language, the truncation, the information, and the spamdexing that was voluntarily sent to me. That's when I realized it was clear she was behind the hate blogs in someway. Weird right?
Anyways, I noticed that this individual, Mayra Martinez, then, joined forces with a man who has been harassing me for years over my mother. An internet stalker named Michael Odegard from Portland, Oregon put up a hate blog about me in Fall of 2012, shortly before I interviewed Toni Ingram or ever talked about Mrs. Ingram here on my blog. The website was titled Sarah Afshar Bimbo I do believe. At the time, I was a part-time journalist for Yahoo! and worked a full-time job as a business development manager for an oil company, so I did not have the time to really inquire about the hateful space Odegard launched nor the fibs published on it. Mr. Odegard's blog about me was filled with awful lies and made absolutely no sense, as he was an old friend of my mother's. A former friend she never met in person, but rather conversed with in the MSN movie chat before she blocked him. Puzzling as to why I was a target of screepy stalker’s rage, I reached out to my mother immediately after I read his hate blog to ask her about him. My mother shared that he messaged her on MSN in the chatroom. She said she spoke to him because he had an interest in Star Wars, a popular science-fiction series of films and that was how they both initiated the conversation.
Anyways, I noticed that this individual, Mayra Martinez, then, joined forces with a man who has been harassing me for years over my mother. An internet stalker named Michael Odegard from Portland, Oregon put up a hate blog about me in Fall of 2012, shortly before I interviewed Toni Ingram or ever talked about Mrs. Ingram here on my blog. The website was titled Sarah Afshar Bimbo I do believe. At the time, I was a part-time journalist for Yahoo! and worked a full-time job as a business development manager for an oil company, so I did not have the time to really inquire about the hateful space Odegard launched nor the fibs published on it. Mr. Odegard's blog about me was filled with awful lies and made absolutely no sense, as he was an old friend of my mother's. A former friend she never met in person, but rather conversed with in the MSN movie chat before she blocked him. Puzzling as to why I was a target of screepy stalker’s rage, I reached out to my mother immediately after I read his hate blog to ask her about him. My mother shared that he messaged her on MSN in the chatroom. She said she spoke to him because he had an interest in Star Wars, a popular science-fiction series of films and that was how they both initiated the conversation.
The MSN chatroom was a virtual outlet where people discussed film, television, music, politics, and popular culture. My mother proceeded to tell me that she felt bad for him because she knew Mr. Odegard was ill, but also emphasized that he was a storyteller, as well as, a very paranoid, angry, and indolent person. She also informed me that he had a strong distain for his family, but never went into too much detail other than that. Truth be told, I never knew him and found his site to be nothing more than rants of an evident psycho. Mayra, who is an internet stalker, celebrated his egregious platform about me like he was the messiah of distraction and that she was happy someone hated me more than her, but enjoyed the satisfaction that someone so sick can backup her lies and opinions about me. In efforts to discredit me to support her spurious stories and because I published Toni Ingram's interview (which she incessantly wanted me to remove), she continued to publish more abhorrent filth online about me, only this time on individual hate sites she created about Toni. It was later discovered Martinez created these numerous websites and blogs using a stolen identity with Tricia Griffith from Websleuths and Jennifer Johnson, the mother of Morgan Ingram's stalker Keenan Vanginkel.
As all of this continued, she manipulated the search engines to say repugnant and fictitious things about not only myself, but my boyfriend Joseph Valo. Furthermore, this woman from Oregon tried to say that I was impersonating a bunch of people including some Persian guy I have never met named Hooman Shababi from Iran. Even going so far and insinuating that I was stealing multiple identities to spread propaganda. I want to go on record and say this is not true at all. She's created notoriety among armchair investigators who are foolish enough to believe her ill conceived and inconsistent anecdote. The same sofa sleuths who epitomize and represent the classic archetype who garner enjoyment bashing those who make them feel inferior. Textbook reprobates who promote communal narcissism. Martinez relentlessly makes up weird concoctions to compliment her stories which are based on her gonzo detritus. She even went so far to say that I am going to get arrested for supporting Toni Ingram. Yes folks, those were her exact words. Additionally, this deeply angry and self-loathing antagonist—who presumably remains confined to her dirty couch—has sought to characterize me as unhinged, labeling both Joe and me as internet stalkers or trolls. In a manner reminiscent of other individuals consumed by animosity and blame because she represents an archetype who is manifested with hate and blame, she insists on portraying herself as the victim while asserting that she never frequents this website.
As all of this continued, she manipulated the search engines to say repugnant and fictitious things about not only myself, but my boyfriend Joseph Valo. Furthermore, this woman from Oregon tried to say that I was impersonating a bunch of people including some Persian guy I have never met named Hooman Shababi from Iran. Even going so far and insinuating that I was stealing multiple identities to spread propaganda. I want to go on record and say this is not true at all. She's created notoriety among armchair investigators who are foolish enough to believe her ill conceived and inconsistent anecdote. The same sofa sleuths who epitomize and represent the classic archetype who garner enjoyment bashing those who make them feel inferior. Textbook reprobates who promote communal narcissism. Martinez relentlessly makes up weird concoctions to compliment her stories which are based on her gonzo detritus. She even went so far to say that I am going to get arrested for supporting Toni Ingram. Yes folks, those were her exact words. Additionally, this deeply angry and self-loathing antagonist—who presumably remains confined to her dirty couch—has sought to characterize me as unhinged, labeling both Joe and me as internet stalkers or trolls. In a manner reminiscent of other individuals consumed by animosity and blame because she represents an archetype who is manifested with hate and blame, she insists on portraying herself as the victim while asserting that she never frequents this website.
Which I find absolutely funny as she is the one who originally initiated contact, coming here to this blog posting threatening messages because I interviewed Toni Ingram and didn't approve any of her superfluously hateful remarks regarding Mrs. Ingram and her daughter Morgan. Morgan Ingram, who I believe is a victim of foul play. MayraMM's is 100% a liar. Her comments are overly redundant, not to mention ludicrous and preposterous. Mayra Martinez was the one who threatened me simply because I interviewed Mrs. Ingram, believe Morgan Ingram was murdered, and didn't approve any of her unconvincingly oscillating, threatening utterance. I still have the screenshots from this which are dated back to November 2012, when she first started harassing me over the Morgan Ingram case.
Fast forward to 2014. It is currently late February of 2014 and this woman just continues to harass me, as she continues to spread untrue, untenable, and fallacious lies about me which are an amalgam of foolishness and absurdity she's created for clout and sympathy. She has no proof, but screenshots she created with her innumerable fake accounts. She also spreads complete fan fiction, as it is clear she is obsessed with me and has been since 2012.
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Fast forward to 2014. It is currently late February of 2014 and this woman just continues to harass me, as she continues to spread untrue, untenable, and fallacious lies about me which are an amalgam of foolishness and absurdity she's created for clout and sympathy. She has no proof, but screenshots she created with her innumerable fake accounts. She also spreads complete fan fiction, as it is clear she is obsessed with me and has been since 2012.
Today, I provide evidence of this fact something incompatible with her alleged findings and verity. Personally, I think Martinez is a one-woman army, a dissenter filled with multiple alter egos. I don't know what kind of personality and temperament to expect from her today, as they tend to change often every time she visits this website. Perhaps she is on the world wide web impersonating me and using my identity to attack others so they will believe her preposterous story thus I will never know. In this regard, it is worth noting that she repeatedly visits this blog to post egregiously hateful remarks aimed at me, primarily due to my belief that Morgan Ingram was murdered by Keenan Vanginkel. Such behavior is not only troubling, but constitutes as cyberstalking. In fact, I would contend that her actions may indeed meet the criteria for cyberstalking. If you examine the definition of stalking that delineates the classic exemplar and archetype.
I can easily share screenshots regarding Ms. Martinez and her menacing on the world wide web which will ruin her credibility and possibly her life, but I am not an acrimonious person in any shape or form. I have been lenient when it comes to this individual and her menacing and have no desire to threaten her nor anyone for that matter because my energy is way too valuable to be wasted. Notably, a certain aggrieved baby booming blogger who exemplifies the detrimental effects of hostility within the true crime genre. Her resentment toward the world manifests in a palpable disdain for women she perceives as superior, ultimately undermining the integrity and nuanced discourse that the genre deserves. She’s one angry armchair detective who obsessed with blaming Morgan Ingram for her death while glorifying criminals as good citizens. To be perfectly honest, I find her reflections of the Ingram case to be nothing more than inconsequential verbose and garbage. I don't ever see my views collectively converging with Martinez's because she is an unlettered contrarian with the inaptitude to accept logical standpoints.
It is clear Martinez doesn't believe Mrs. Ingram nor supports the homicide theory. It is not up to me nor anyone else to change this rapid true crime fanatic's stance on the bone of contention, just like it is not up to anyone else to change mine. However, Mayra doesn't have to spread lies nor does she have to do horrible things to silence others who disagree with her. She doesn't have to meticulously spread lies about them, as well as, encourage the public to physically harm them just because she does not see eye-to-eye with their theories on a crime cases. I have never encouraged anyone to harass Ms. Martinez at all and if you read my blog, you will see this. Nevertheless, I will voluntarily give my iPhone, my MacBook, and any smart device I own to authorities to prove what Mayra is saying is 100% false. I don’t think she can say the same.
Moreover, there are many ways of sharing an opinion about a crime case without being a vicious and vindictive person. This peculiar and unsettling individual from Oregon appears too entrenched in her misconceptions to acknowledge the truth. Even when the facts surrounding Morgan Ingram's case are revealed, she will likely continue to make excuses for Keenan Vanginkel, who clearly perpetrated Morgan's murder and attempted to disguise it as a suicide. I don't go to any of her rancorous websites nor do I read any of her hate blogs. I never engage in the dialogue (which I’m certain 99% of the dialogue are her) because what she has said about me is not true. I am asking my readers to avoid visiting any of her execrable, chimerical websites and blogs. I do not encourage anyone to threaten her and I am asking you not to, as I don't condone bullying nor stooping to someone's level. If Mayra (or any armchair sleuth for that matter) is engaging in caricature with the intent to amass believers and garner sympathy, that my friends is not only illegal, but really sad and I hope for her sake she ends this vicious witch-hunt. At the end of the day, it is only creating unjustifiable distress for herself spreading lies about people simply because they possess a different point-of-view.
Speaking of viciousness, I am well aware that it's inevitable to avoid backlash when dipping into the realm of true crime especially in a case where a woman was stalked for months, reported the stalking, and is now dead; however, what this person is saying about me is completely false and not true at all. You can choose what you want to believe, but in all honesty my only crime was allowing a grieving mother to use her voice to find answers. A mother who has been dragged through independent media by reclining researchers who cannot accept one's opinion that differs from their own. A mother who, in short, questions the discrepancies of her daughter's suspicious death.
I am guilty of interviewing Toni Ingram--who is the force, the face, and the voice of her daughter Morgan Ingram. Toni is one of the nicest people I've ever met and she continues to fight one of the biggest fights she's ever fought, finding the truth about what happened to her daughter because it is evidently clear by the vast majority of status quo society Morgan's death was mysterious. And truth be told, this Mayra Martinez (or MayraMM) is a malicious cyberbully with an agenda so ego-driven, she fails to refute her own research which is nothing more than venomous propaganda against myself and victim blaming of Morgan Ingram.
I am well within my rights to express my opinion. Martinez represents the quintessential distasteful armchair detective archetype who peddles misinformation to elevate her self-worth—a rather ironic endeavor, considering it likely stems from her own disappointing reality. It's as if her attempts to feel superior are simply a diversion from her unfortunate life. I will always advocate for Morgan Ingram and as an American citizen, I firmly uphold my right to express my opinion about her murder. Mayra Martinez, an insignificant nobody in the sphere of public discourse will never undermine the legitimacy of my opinion.
With that aside, I believe you and I believe this was a murder. I also have been wanting to know something. I wanted to ask, what is her connection to Terry Stipp aka Terry Cavitalo aka Terry Sholes or Windchime on Websleuths?
Michael Odegard is an unhinged internet stalker from Oregon who has been harassing me for years. He use to talk to my mother in the MSN movie chat. She was actually nice to him from what she told me. After he said something horrible to her, she blocked him. In like Fall of 2012 he created a hate blog titled "Sarah Afshar Bimbo" where he said a bunch of crazy stuff about me and even used pictures of mine. It was just so weird. Then, when my ex boyfriend Joe contacted him asking him to leave me alone, he started harassing him. I have never talked to this guy in my life nor has Joe and I have no idea how he or Mayra found each other nor do I care.
I will continue to support Toni Ingram, as I truly believe Morgan was a victim of stalking and murder. Due to the high levels of Amitriptyline, this is why I believe this is true. I also believe because of how her body looked in the autopsy photos, there is just no way she took her own life. Looking at the suspect, I definitely believe he was involved simply because he was identified by Morgan herself and because he has a history of this type of behavior. The modus operadi is quite evident here with the multiple criminal trespassing charges.
I want to make one thing clear, I have never harassed anyone regarding Toni Ingram. This is propaganda created by Mayra Martinez in efforts to silence those who disagree with her narrative. To silence critics regarding the Morgan Ingram case. I don't know her connection to Terry Stipp, but I am sure Websleuths evidently plays a role as both are part of the website. I don't know who Terry Stipp is and I don't know much about Mayra nor do I care. I have too many things going on in my life to care about other people. I wrote this blog post over 6 years ago.
When I originally interviewed Toni Ingram, her interview was published on Yahoo! Voices and then republished on Yahoo! News. The original interview was published in late 2012. I wrote a blog post a few days before I originally published it to Yahoo! on here and MayraMM came to my blog sharing links to the truth blog she spams all over the place. When I discovered Mayra had bad intentions, I removed her comments and didn't approve any more of them. At the time I was on vacation too and I didn't want to have to keep deleting her comments. I didn't want anyone talking bad about Mrs. Ingram or Morgan Ingram.
This made her angry because it was evident she was a Keenan apologist and she didn't like the fact that I have been vocally supportive of Toni Ingram the homicide theory. It was my first post regarding Morgan Ingram and I was shocked at the comments she left. She called me "third world" because I am Iranian American before actually threatening me. It was just so weird. What I found even more vile were her attacks on Morgan Ingram. They say so much about her and her decorum. I do not care about MayraMM, as she is nothing more than a cyberstalking liar with an opinion.
I believe 45-year old Michael Odegard became obsessed and was stalking or cyberstalking Sarah Afshar. Put up a website to get attention from her. I think 60-year old Mayra contacted him and knew he was obsessed with Sarah so she did her best to give this obviously mentally ill man a platform to spew his lies and story. I could tell he was lying immediately as he displays all signs of a disgruntled, scorned person with rage. Plus I have been reading Sarah’s blog for a long time. I think Joseph Valo is or was her oldest boyfriend. I don’t see Sarah having interest in an almost 50 bald man with an aesthetically unappealing face and no job. A woman of Sarah’s caliber isn’t interested in men like this Odegard guy.
Odegard is an internet stalker.
I believe Sarah Afshar to be honest, sincere, and genuine. She’s also quite sane and seems to have her act together. Mayra and Tricia, not so much. They are extremely ill and they can’t hide it. Most of us who are looking at everything surrounding the Morgan Ingram case see who they are and what they are all about. Anyone who believes these two boomers is as crazy and unhinged as they are.