Tonight, I found myself really wanting to play the Lightening Round on Words with Friends. It is basically a modern version of Boggle meets Scrabble, except you play on two designated teams - the purple team and the blue team. You have to basically have to come up with great words and whichever team reaches 750 (or more) points first, wins the match.
I am feeling a little under the weather, as my boyfriend is also sick. We have the cold/cough thing that is going around. We both were talking and I found myself playing this app a lot while talking to him and actually winning virtually every single match I played. I am not sure why I play better when I am not feeling good. Perhaps this kind of escapism allows me to forget how horrible I am feeling.
I ended up achieving the top reward for the most words, for words with the most points and for the longest point word. In this particular match, I garnered 315 points, making me the top player of this game and winning for the purple team.
Currently, there are no prizes. You don't really win any incentives for playing, but it is so much fun and if you love word games, you will love this one. I do believe I heard something about them holding contests, but there is no proof of this. I am also hearing rumors about Words with Friends Live, which is allegedly the platform they will be holding these contests; however, this is hearsay at this point.
I am feeling a little under the weather, as my boyfriend is also sick. We have the cold/cough thing that is going around. We both were talking and I found myself playing this app a lot while talking to him and actually winning virtually every single match I played. I am not sure why I play better when I am not feeling good. Perhaps this kind of escapism allows me to forget how horrible I am feeling.
I ended up achieving the top reward for the most words, for words with the most points and for the longest point word. In this particular match, I garnered 315 points, making me the top player of this game and winning for the purple team.
Currently, there are no prizes. You don't really win any incentives for playing, but it is so much fun and if you love word games, you will love this one. I do believe I heard something about them holding contests, but there is no proof of this. I am also hearing rumors about Words with Friends Live, which is allegedly the platform they will be holding these contests; however, this is hearsay at this point.