Today is a day to be thankful. Thankful for a roof over my head, clothes to wear and food to eat. When you think of having a place to live, a warm coat to wear during Winter and a gourmand ambiance surrounded by an abundance of amazing food, if you have all of these you are still richer than over 80% of the world. To think that as we sit and enjoy this day with our family, our friends and other loved ones, over half of the world is struggling for a place to live, a warm coat to wear and food to eat.
When I think of the less fortunate struggling just to get a glass of water or to wear a pair of shoes, I can only think of how life would be without those very basic essentials. I see the people who struggle as people who appreciate the finer things in this life rather than complain about them. It's like seeing someone upset over something so common and yet they dwell on it. Kind of like crying over spilled milk. Yet those people who do not have the same privileges do not waste their time. Why? Because they are trying to find milk. And although they may not cry over the same experience, the point is-they would cry if their milk did spill simply because that is the milk they need in order to survive.
Thanksgiving's origin is quite interesting, but the same message has always applied and still continues to do so-be thankful for what you have because there is always someone in this world, in this life that has it worse than you do. Do you have a roof over your head? Do you have clothes to wear? Do you have food to eat? If so, you are still richer than over 80% of the world. If you think about this fact alone, you will recognize how true it is.
So, as I celebrate this day with my family, friends and other loved ones, I am very thankful for everything in this life. Each and everyday is a true blessing and with the love in my life and the love in my heart, I can only be forever grateful and thankful for the life that I live.
From my home to your's, Happy Thanksgiving!