Giving Tuesday 2014: Laura Mercier Ovarian Cancer Fund

A wise man named Albert Einstein once said "Only a life lived for others is a life worth living" and today we give back to those that need us most. In fact, for Giving Back Tuesday, the Laura Mercier Ovarian Cancer Fund (or LMOCF) will be donating 100% of the proceeds from the Bonne Mine Palette ($48), Lip Glacé in Peach Hope ($25), and the Bracelet of Hope ($35). #GivingTuesday

The Laura Mercier Ovarian Cancer Fund's mission is to raise awareness about Ovarian Cancer, as well as, sponsor the research. LMOCF also has strong goals to fund the education efforts that will help support, diagnose, and even treat this horrible health affliction in the world today.

All women are at risk for Ovarian Cancer. According to a recently conducted study, Ovarian Cancer is the 5th leading cause of death among American women and the leading cause of death among gynecological cancers in the United States right now. It is also often diagnosed at a late stage and although having cervical smear test (or Pap smear) is good, it will not detect Ovarian Cancer, only changes to cervix cells that are pre-cancerous.

The Laura Mercier Ovarian Cancer Fund (or LMOCF) strives to shine a light on disease that has been in the shadows way too long. With any purchase of the Bonne Mine Palette, Lip Glacé in Peach Hope, and the Bracelet of Hope you can give women hope.

For more information about the Laura Mercier Ovarian Cancer Fund (or LMOCF) simply visit Happy Holidays!
