World Vegetarian Day 2014

Today is World Vegetarian Day 2014. As a vegetarian (Lacto Ovo, occasional vegan) for many years of my life, this is a day that promotes compassion and joy while celebrating the ethical, environmental, health, humanitarian, and practical benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle.

I absolutely love being a vegetarian and would recommend it to anyone. I think anyone can do it. If you don't believe me, just ask my amazing man, Joe Valo III, as he has been a Lacto Ovo vegetarian for over a year now.

So, what is a vegetarian? It's simply a lifestyle where one does NOT eat meat, poultry, or fish. In fact, as a vegetarian, does NOT consume any animal flesh at all.

Types of Vegetarians:

Lacto Ovo (or Ovo Lacto) = Does NOT eat meat, poultry, or fish. Does NOT consume any animal flesh. Does eat dairy, eggs, and honey.
Lacto = Does NOT eat meat, poultry, or fish. Does NOT consume animal flesh. Does eat dairy and honey, but does not eat eggs.
Ovo = Does NOT eat meat, poultry, or fish. Does NOT consume animal flesh. Does eat eggs and honey, but does not consume dairy.
Vegan = Does NOT eat meat, poultry, or fish. Does NOT consume animal flesh. Does NOT eat eggs, dairy, or honey.

Fruitarian = Does NOT eat meat, poultry, or fish. Does NOT consume animal flesh. Does NOT eat dairy, eggs, or honey. Only eats fruits, seeds, nuts, etc. that can be garnered without harming the plant.
Raw Vegan = Does NOT eat meat, poultry, or fish. Does NOT consume animal flesh. Does NOT eat dairy, eggs, or honey. Everything is fresh and uncooked.
Sattvic = Does NOT eat meat, poultry, or fish. Does NOT consume animal flesh. May consume dairy, but also excludes eggs and honey. Does NOT eat any vegetables from the allium family such as onions or garlic. Also does not consume bleu cheese, mushrooms, chocolate, nutmeg, or coffee.
Buddhist Vegan = Does NOT eat meat, poultry, or fish. Does NOT consume animal flesh. Does NOT eat eggs, dairy, or honey. Does NOT consume any vegetables from allium family. This includes: onions, garlic, leeks, chives, scallions, etc.
Jain = Does NOT eat meat, poultry, or fish. Does NOT consume animal flesh. Also does not consume eggs or honey, but can consume dairy. Also does not consume root vegetables.
Macrobiotic = Does NOT eat meat, poultry, or fish. Does NOT consume animal flesh. Does NOT eat eggs, dairy, or honey. Only consumes whole grains and beans.

If you are just starting, try the Pesce-vegetarian lifestyle (Pescetarianism), which excludes meat and poultry, but does include fish and seafood. It also includes dairy, eggs, and honey. You can also follow the Pollar-vegetarian lifestyle (Pollartarianism), which excludes meat, but still includes poultry and fish, as well as, seafood. Start as a semi-vegetarian and gradually build into the lifestyle.

Vegetarian Articles:
Vegetarian/Vegan Substitutes (I am currently updating this list, but keep in bookmarked for more additions, as well as, changes.)
Happy Burger Day: Veggie Burgers
Food Talk: Exclusive Interview with Gardein
It's Official, I'm Done Drinking Dairy Milk
Food Talk: 10 Luscious Late Night Bites for Vegetarians

Vegetarian Recipes:
Vegan Lamb (Vamb) 
Khoresht Bodemjoon
Ghormeh Sabzi
Violet Velvet Cake
Sarah's Ultimate Hickory Smoked Deli Sandwich
Sarah's Veganog

Vegetarian Reviews:
Smart Dogs, Veggie Protein Links by Lightlife
Gardein's Home Style Beefless Tips, a great twist to healthy eating
