Happy Easter 2019

Happy Easter 2019
Adorable homemade chick buns made by
myself and my mother.
Easter is a holiday which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Following his crucifixion, this world-renowned Christian holiday commemorates the Passion of Christ. Eastertide embraces a tradition that has become quite the custom in Christian households around the world. 

Primarily family, friends and over loved ones get together to decorate eggs, which symbolize an empty tomb. And in case you are wondering what the empty tomb is, it is the tomb of Jesus Christ. After his body was placed inside the tomb, days later the body was not found. It was reported that several women witnessed his resurrection shortly after.

In addition to coloring eggs, family and friends have a wonderful dinner to celebrate Easter. They also enjoy candy, primarily chocolate Easter bunnies and Cadbury eggs to celebrate the day. Although I must admit, I am a huge fan of any candy from the Kinder brand including Ferrero Roche, as in my opinion, they are some of the best.

Today, I had a wonderful meal with family and friends. As a vegetarian, I was able to enjoy a homemade vegan roast (which I made myself with the help of my mother), as well as, the basic dishes you can enjoy during any Easter meal including mashed potatoes and corn. 

I haven't had the chance to eat any chocolate yet, but managed to enjoy some flavorful fruit salad and some lemon cream pie. 

Well, I better get offline. I keep looking at my phone relentlessly, contemplating whether or not I want to play PUBG. I think I may just wait though and eat more food. What do you think? 

From my home to your home-Happy Easter! 
