Remembering my cat Murphy two years later

Today marks the 2nd anniversary of my dear cat Murphy's death. As many of you are already aware, Murphy died two years ago today on April 19, 2017, in my arms. After suffering from several problematic health issues, my cat left the world unexpectedly, leaving me devastated and completely heartbroken. You can read my original blog post here regarding what happened. 

She brought so much joy and happiness to my life as a cat companion. She and I traveled often. My life was never a dull moment with her, as she always made life exciting. Although some may say "she's just a cat" Murphy was much more. She was family.

Murphy was one of a kind. And as I will always remember her life, I will never forget the joy she brought into mine. She will be forever missed. 

I will always love you, Murphy. 

Murphy Afshar (2003-2017)


Billy said…
The energy and love from your bond will last lifetimes. Honor the moments we share together as life is as fleeting as it is sublime.