Kim Kardashian West has made headlines lately, as she announced that she wants to become a lawyer. A lot of people are attacking her all over social media and I cannot understand why. Perhaps it is not my duty to understand those who I am nothing like nor is it my duty to celebrate their hateful comments. I cannot understand why no one is happy for this woman and her dream to become an attorney.
Kardashian wants to take the bar exam by 2022, as this has been a long term goal for the reality star. Her father was known as one of the greatest litigators ever in the state of California, so it is evident by her reasons for wanting to practice law stem from him as the source of inspiration.
A lot of people are questioning how it is possible to become an attorney with barely any education let alone academic credentials, as most attorneys attend law school for years before ever practicing. Although the vast majority of status quo who want to become attorneys attend law school, there are quite a few who do not. Back in the 1700's, most lawyers started out as novitiates. They worked as apprentices and studied independently.
So because this study still applies today, Kardashian would only be required to take less than two years of college, but she would need to take the CLEP (or College Level Examinations Program) tests and score a 50 or higher. These tests are administered by the college board and have quite a few requirements.
Additionally, Kim would have to take two additional exams that are related to one of the following subjects: Business, Composition and Literature, History and Social Science, Foreign Language, Mathematics and Science. She would have to pass these exams with a grade of 50 or higher to practice law.
The state of California supports this type of studying. Additional states which support this particular method include: Virginia, Vermont and Washington. These four states are the only states which allow this. This level of study is a little out of the box and if I am being honest, a little unorthodox; however, it is effective and shouldn't hinder one from being successful in this field.
Although Kim Kardashian West should have no issues getting clients, there will be many that object to this simply because they don't support this level of studying. Some will not her credentials and will want someone with more experience, etc. I believe; however, Kim will do just fine. She wants to step into her father's shoes and has every right to do so. She is doing something great with her fame. She made a sex tape in her past. Why should she be judged for something that happened about 15 years ago?
I support anyone with a goal and I believe everyone has the right to achieve it, as I believe everyone deserves to be happy in whatever profession they choose. I think it would be fantastic to see her very successful with this, especially this field of study.
Kardashian wants to take the bar exam by 2022, as this has been a long term goal for the reality star. Her father was known as one of the greatest litigators ever in the state of California, so it is evident by her reasons for wanting to practice law stem from him as the source of inspiration.
A lot of people are questioning how it is possible to become an attorney with barely any education let alone academic credentials, as most attorneys attend law school for years before ever practicing. Although the vast majority of status quo who want to become attorneys attend law school, there are quite a few who do not. Back in the 1700's, most lawyers started out as novitiates. They worked as apprentices and studied independently.
So because this study still applies today, Kardashian would only be required to take less than two years of college, but she would need to take the CLEP (or College Level Examinations Program) tests and score a 50 or higher. These tests are administered by the college board and have quite a few requirements.
Additionally, Kim would have to take two additional exams that are related to one of the following subjects: Business, Composition and Literature, History and Social Science, Foreign Language, Mathematics and Science. She would have to pass these exams with a grade of 50 or higher to practice law.
The state of California supports this type of studying. Additional states which support this particular method include: Virginia, Vermont and Washington. These four states are the only states which allow this. This level of study is a little out of the box and if I am being honest, a little unorthodox; however, it is effective and shouldn't hinder one from being successful in this field.
Although Kim Kardashian West should have no issues getting clients, there will be many that object to this simply because they don't support this level of studying. Some will not her credentials and will want someone with more experience, etc. I believe; however, Kim will do just fine. She wants to step into her father's shoes and has every right to do so. She is doing something great with her fame. She made a sex tape in her past. Why should she be judged for something that happened about 15 years ago?
I support anyone with a goal and I believe everyone has the right to achieve it, as I believe everyone deserves to be happy in whatever profession they choose. I think it would be fantastic to see her very successful with this, especially this field of study.