2019 Rape Statistics

A 'Stand with Rape' rally in Minnesota.
(Photo by Fibonacci Blue)
Rape is defined as a nefariously villainous exploitation and act carried out aggressively and violently by the perpetrator (rapist) through sexual acts against the victim's will. As a world-wide, ongoing problem which affects millions upon millions of people (mainly women) every year, rape is a cause of much concern, especially in recent years. 


According to the 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, it was found that approximately one in five women and one in 71 men will experience rape at some point in their lives. Studies conducted nearly 20 years ago, supported by the Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2002, revealed that rape is one of the most underreported crimes due to victims fearing shame or disbelief. Law enforcement sometimes fails to take victims seriously, and even when they do, there are instances where rapists are not adequately prosecuted for their crimes.

Regrettably, the statistics I mentioned earlier still hold true in 2019. It is deeply concerning that rape continues to be the most underreported crime globally, as I previously mentioned. This suggests that the actual prevalence of this heinous act is even more alarming than what is publicly acknowledged.

World Population Review recently shared information regarding rape statistics around the world from information they collected from the Nation Master. This is based on the number of rape incidents per 100,000. As of 2019, the following countries have the highest rape incidents:

1. South Africa - With a population of 58,558,270, there have been 132.4% of rape incidents reported. When you do the math, that is almost 200 rape incidents per day and about 50,000 rape incidents per year. And as I stated previously, this data excludes the amount of incidents that go unreported. 

2. Botswana
3. Lesotho
4. Swaziland
5. Bermuda
6. Sweden
7. Suriname 
8. Costa Rica 
9. Nicaragua
10. Grenada
11. Saint Kits and Nevis 
12. Australia
13. Belgium 
14. United States
15. Bolivia
16. New Zealand
17. Zimbabwe
18. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
19. Barbados
20. Iceland
21. Jamaica 
22. Peru
23. Norway
24. Trinidad and Tobago
25. Israel

Surprisingly, the countries with the lowest amount of rape incidents occurring in 2019 are:

1. Liechtenstein - With a population of only 38,919, there have been 0% of rape incidents reported. This means, no sexual assault crimes have been reported here at all.  

2. Egypt
3. Azerbaijan
4. Mozambique
5. Armenia
6. Lebanon 
7. Tajikistan 
8. Turkmenistan
9. Serbia
10. Albania
11. Nepal
12. Syria
13. Yemen
14. Guinea 
15. Japan
16. Andorra 
17. Bosnia and Herzegovina 
18. Sierra Leone
19. Ukraine
20. United Arab Emirates 
21. Turkey
22. Hong Kong
23. Canada 
24. India 
25. Montenegro 

Please note that the percentages provided are calculated on a per capita basis. This means that they represent the incidents occurring in a country relative to the percentage of its population and per 100,000 individuals within that population. This measurement allows for a better understanding of the incidence rate within a specific country, taking into account its population size.

Virtually every single country that I did not mention has had rape incidents reported. Some more so than others, but failed to make the list of the most sexual assault crimes and the least sexual assault crimes. For instance, Mexico has a population of 127,575,529 people. Of that population, 13.2% per 100,000 people have reported the crime. That would mean about 2,000 people reported sexual assault this year alone. 

Though I was hesitant to address this on my blog, I firmly believe it is crucial to shed light on the harsh realities of our world. You, as my reader, deserve to be informed. While the statistics sadden me, it is the unreported cases of sexual assault that truly weigh heavy on my heart.

That is what makes me sad. 

This is sad. 

These are the 2019 rape statistics. 


Anonymous said…
These statistics are truly alarming, and the reality of what's happening in the world is deeply concerning. It's downright terrifying when you think about it.