As Priyanka Chopra shined on the red carpet at the Microsoft Theater Sunday night, the beautiful actress made a statement in a red, custom-made designer dress. Chopra's makeup was one thing; however, her hair was on another level. Chopra was treated to a very glamorous sleek and chic style courtesy of Castillo, her go-to designer.
"Since the dress was custom-made, I really wanted the hair to be cohesive with the vision of the designer - sleek and chic," Castillo shared.
So, is it possible to recreate this hair look at home? Absolutely.
First and foremost, Castillo washed Chopra's hair with the MOP Mixed Greens Shampoo. The celebrity stylist went with a moisturizing shampoo as this works to withstand humidity and heat from styling tools.
As the celebrity stylist continued, they used the MOP Pear Detangler. After applying the product, Castillo combed through Chopra's hair to untangle and eliminate any frizz. Then, Castillo applied the MOP Mixed Greens Leave-In Conditioner. Then, Castillo added a little bit of the MOP Lemongrass Lift.
Next, the celebrity stylist started to rough blow dry the exquisite beauty's hair using the ghd Air Hairdryer until it is about 80% dry. Then, Castillo brushed through the hair with the ghd Paddle Brush to take out any tangles.
Taking a tail comb, Castillo, then created a side part. Now taking sections of the hair, the celebrity stylist started to flat brush blow dry the hair straight. Then, went over each section with the ghd Platinum Styler.
As Castillo was done straightening Chopra's hair, the stylist took a dollop sized amount of the MOP Orange Peel Molding Cream and coated the root to mid shaft of the side of her hair. Then, Castillo brushed the product through with a finishing brush before twisting it behind her ear and down the nape of her neck.
Castillo continued to repeat this technique and gather hair into a ponytail. As she repeated this same technique, she secured it with a hair bungee and wrapped a section of hair around the bungee to conceal it.
To finish the hair look, Castillo sprayed the MOP C-System Firm Hair Spray around the hair line and around the ponytail.
Congratulations! You have just recreated Priyanka Chopra's hair look at the 68th annual Primetime Emmy Awards. #Emmys